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Last seen 8.8 years ago
Somebody Please help me in converting the below-mentioned amino acid one letter code into cDNA sequence. Kindly mention all the necessary steps regarding the same as I am new to R.
>tr|A0A091EJ74|A0A091EJ74_CORBR Gallinacin-9 (Fragment) OS=Corvus
brachyrhynchos GN=N302_05107 PE=4 SV=1
Well it's easier to convert a DNA sequence into protein sequence.
Here you will face a problem, caused by the Genetic Code redundancy (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_code#RNA_codon_table)
In other words, one amino acide can be coded by different DNA codons.
Thus, if you want to create code, you either chose one codon/amino acid, but then you are almost certain that your sequence will have no biological significance as it will not be the one in the Corvus DNA. Or you create every possibles sequences derived from it, but then you will have a lot of choices.
So the simplest answer to your question is : Why not searching if this gene has been sequenced ? (Spoiler alert : it has been)