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I really hesitate to explain how to average of duplicate spots using
because it is not something I generally recommend. It is however quite
Start with a normalized MAList object, 'MA', possibly containing spot
quality weights. Suppose that there are 'ndups' duplicates at spacing
'spacing'. You can average over duplicates by
fit1 <- lmFit(MA, design=diag(ncol(MA)), ndups=ndups, spacing=spacing,
Now the averaged log-ratios are in
Y <- fit1$coef
and the consolidated spot quality weights are in
w <- 1/fit1$stdev.unscaled^2
Now you can fit any model you like to the averaged log-ratios, e.g.,
fit <- lmFit(Y, design, weights=w)
At 05:22 PM 19/04/2005, Ron Ophir wrote:
> >>>> "Gordon K Smyth" <smyth@wehi.edu.au> 04/18/05 2:24 PM >>>
> >> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:24:14 +0300
> >> From: "Ron Ophir" <ron.ophir@weizmann.ac.il>
> >> Subject: [BioC] technical replicates and spots in limma
> >> To: <bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch>
> >>
> >> Dear limma experts,
> >> I have direct experiments with two biological replicates and two
> >> technical replicates. In each array sots are printted in 4
> >> In duplicateCorrelation help it is written that "At this time it
> >> possible to estimate correlations between duplicate spots and
> >> technical replicates simultaneously."
> >> The question is it possible to average on both technical and spot
> >> replicates but not simultaneously and if yes then how?
> >> If not which least-squares analysis should I drop technical
> >> replicates or spots replicates?
> >
> >The between spot correlation is usually in the range 0.5-0.9.
>Correlations between technical
> >replicates are usually not so strong, seldom higher than around
>0.2-0.3 and often less.
> >
> >If you're going to ignore one of these correlations, it should be
>technical replication. If
> >you're going to average over one of the replicate structures, it
>should be over the replicate
> >spots.
>Thanks. Averaging over spot replicates using duplicateCorrelation()
>assuming equal space between replicates coordinates or I can give a
>vector of spots location like in block for technical replicates.
>If the latter is not possible, does the following commands are what
>should be done:
No, this won't work. Apart from anything else, the averaging should
on the M-values rather than raw R, G, Rb and Gb intensities. See
> >
> >The measurement error is often larger than the biological
>so that treating the
> >technical replicates as biological replicates is often not as bad
>it sounds. This is what I
> >would usually do, having checked the between technical rep
>is not large.
> >
> >Gordon
> >
> >> Thanks in advance
> >> Ron