I have two covariates in addition to condition, let's call them A and B. So I set the design as formula(~ A + B + condition) and I contrast on the level of condition.
Contrast can only distinguish between two factors (e.g WT v KO, single-read v paired-end). What if my covariate "B" has four factors (a,b,c,d).
So if I call
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countdata, colData = colData, design = ~ A + B + condition)
Does DESeq and results take into account the four factors of B? Or is this overlooked?
If the case is the latter, how can I use all four?
Also a comment: DESeq2 v1.6 is very out of date. It is from Fall 2014. You should update to the latest version of R and install the latest version of DESeq2 which is 1.12. If you work on a cluster and cannot update the version of R yourself, I'd recommend you contact the administrators to update the version of R, because it is necessary in computational genomics to have up-to-date software.