is there a possibility in GVIZ to plot a junction track without a BAM file using only junctions and a desired coverage?
I would like to plot the junctions from the intropolis (https://github.com/nellore/intropolis/blob/master/README.md) resource as a comparision for a Patient/Control cDNA sequencing experiment. My initial solution was to generate pseudo bams containg artifical reads covering the respective junctions as many times as the sum of all samples in intropolis.
Is there a simpler way?
Thanks for any ideas!
Basically a functionallity to replace the lines in an AnnotationTrack with arches or chevrons (like in ggbio "geom chevron" or "geom arch") would do the trick. Especially if one could also change the linke thickness. Can't find any similar function in gvuz though.