Hello All,
I am using DESeq2 to perform something like a one-way ANOVA. When I tried running the code on the datasets I have, it seems to be working fine for all except for one dataset. This dataset is from the organism fly while the others are either mouse or human.When I run deseq2 with 'LRT' for the fly dataset I get the following result.Below is the code I used. Since there were hidden batch effects for the dataset, I have included it as co-variates in the design.
dds.fc<-DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(data,colData=pheno,design=~ condition)
# if hidden batch is present
#compute null and full model
mod =model.matrix(~condition, data=colData(dds.fc))
mod0 = model.matrix(~1,data=colData(dds.fc))
#Get normalized data
dds.norm <- dds.fc
data_normalized <- counts(dds.norm, normalized=TRUE) #normalizing data
n.sv = num.sv(data_normalized,mod,method="be")
#as default remove 3 surrogate variables
svobj = sva(assay(rld), mod, mod0, n.sv=3)
ddssva <- dds.fc
ddssva$SV1 <- svobj$sv[,1]
ddssva$SV2 <- svobj$sv[,2]
ddssva$SV3 <- svobj$sv[,3]
design(ddssva) <- ~ SV1 + SV2 + SV3 + condition
#execute if no batch effect dds<-DESeq(dds.fc,test = "LRT",reduced = ~1)
#if hidden batch effect present then
dds<-DESeq(ddssva,test = "LRT",reduced = ~1)
Thank you Michael. I now included the surrogate variables and I'm still getting the same output.
dds<-DESeq(ddssva,test = "LRT",reduced = ~SV1+SV2+SV3)
"getting the same output"
You should't get the same output if you perform a new LRT with different reduced design. Maybe check over your code.
Also, you'll need to describe in more detail what you are seeing that you think is in error.
Apologies. I went over my code again and realized why I was getting such an output. There was a problem during reading of a file.My code works fine now. Thank you for helping me out.