I would like to run Limma-Voom to identify the differentially expressed genes between males and females irrespective of their treatment. I have already completed the DEseq2 analysis however, I am having trouble with determining the correct design and contrast matrix for my investigation. It is a mixed-effects model with a random effect for the donor, nested within the sex grouping and I am using limma-voom with the duplicateCorrelation() function.
Please see my original post to my project if there is any confusion in understanding what I am trying to ask. Deseq2 Paired Samples Design
Donor Treatment Sex
A79_WithFBS A79 WithFBS M
A86_WithFBS A86 WithFBS M
A88_WithFBS A88 WithFBS M
A95_WithFBS A95 WithFBS M
A96_WithFBS A96 WithFBS F
B78_WithFBS B78 WithFBS F
A79_WithoutFBS A79 WithoutFBS M
A86_WithoutFBS A86 WithoutFBS M
A88_WithoutFBS A88 WithoutFBS M
A95_WithoutFBS A95 WithoutFBS M
A96_WithoutFBS A96 WithoutFBS F
B78_WithoutFBS B78 WithoutFBS F
A79_WithFBS A86_WithFBS A88_WithFBS A95_WithFBS A96_WithFBS B78_WithFBS A79_WithoutFBS A86_WithoutFBS A88_WithoutFBS A95_WithoutFBS A96_WithoutFBS B78_WithoutFBS
WASH7P 20 17 53 19 49 49 28 29 17 9 44 17
AL627309.5 5 12 21 4 13 6 13 18 5 6 9 28
WASH9P 32 57 19 52 53 43 83 27 57 28 178 43
Will my model and contrast look like this (below) in that case? If so, how does limma voom know that I am interested in the DEG between males and females (how will it know that Sex is my parameter)?
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Treatment ,metaDatamalesMFBatch128)
contrasts <- makeContrasts(TreatmentWithFBS-TreatmentWithoutFBS,
voom_dge <- voom(GctscountMFBatch128, design, plot=TRUE)
cor <- duplicateCorrelation(voom_dge, design, block = metaDatamalesMFBatch128$Donor )
#OR will my parameter also be a factor, in this case, Sex, to get DEG between males and females?
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Sex+Treatment ,metaDatamalesMFBatch128)
contrasts <- makeContrasts(SexM-SexF,
voom_dge <- voom(GctscountMFBatch128, design, plot=TRUE)
cor <- duplicateCorrelation(voom_dge, design, block = metaDatamalesMFBatch128$Donor )
#Thank you in advance for your assistance!