Hi, I am new to the DESeq2, and I wonder if the dataset (either .csv or .txt) prepared from other program can be imported to DESeq2 as a form of DESeqDataSet in R. The example file is as belows. Any input would be appreciated.
GeneID Length Control Treatment log2Ratio q-value Up-Down-Regulation p-value Symbol
Cfor_09914 879 2297200.96 529502.64 -1.94 0.00E+00 Down 0.00E+00 Cfor1
BGI_novel_G002829 1318 76121 945550 3.81 0.00E+00 Up 0.00E+00 NA
BGI_novel_G001907 1167 195994.23 1006695.3 2.54 0.00E+00 Up 0.00E+00 NA
BGI_novel_G001120 760 728876.52 39924.83 -4.01 0.00E+00 Down 0.00E+00 NA
What is the end goal for doing this? I mean, why do you need to coerce this data as a DESeq2 object?