Hey everyone,
I'm having issues with fetching data from recount3.
I downloaded two datasets that were listed on the recount table from here (https://rna.recount.bio), but when I fetch these datasets and load the counts, I get 0 counts for all samples!
All the metadata columns do exist though.
Here's the code I use to retrieve these:
ramakar = recount3::create_rse_manual(
project = "SRP073813",
project_home = "data_sources/sra",
organism = "human",
annotation = "gencode_v29",
type = "gene"
ramakar.exp <- assay(ramakar, "raw_counts")
all(apply(apply(ramakar.exp, 2, function(x) x==0), 2, any))
With this dataset, I've managed to find a different source (refine bio: https://www.refine.bio/experiments/SRP073813/rna-sequencing-of-human-post-mortem-brain-tissues) that has the processed counts so I can confirm that not all samples have 0 counts across all genes.
I've also gotten zero counts for another dataset:
hdbr = recount3::create_rse_manual(
project = "ERP016243",
type = "gene"
hdbr.exp <- assay(hdbr, "raw_counts")
all(apply(apply(hdbr.exp, 2, function(x) x==0), 2, any))
I'm also happy to provide an Rmarkdown for this. I just want to know in case I fetched the data wrong, or if there's any issue with the annotation I'm using.
Thank you!