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I have submitted a package to Bioconductor, but one of the Suggested dependencies (methrix) is not available for Bioconductor 3.18. On its page on the Bioconductor site it's flagged as giving build errors. I am wondering should I remove this package from my Suggested packages?
Have you tried reaching out to the maintainers? If they do not fix the package it will remain unavailable and cause ERROR in your package. If they do not fix it then yes removing it is probably your best option.
I have just contacted the maintainer. Is it okay if I leave the package in Suggests for now and then remove it before the next Bioconductor release if they do not fix it?
Is your package in review or already in Bioconductor? Its harder if it is in review because we can't tell that the package has or can build correctly until it is resolved so it will be tough to have it accepted. If it is in Bioconductor we can mark to check in on it but make sure it doesn't get marked for deprecation or anything.