I am new to gene expression analysis and was looking for advice on analysing an experiment in which transcription might decrease genome-wide.
In this experiment, I have measured transcription by means of TT-seq and spiked in Drosophila cells to be able to detect the supposed decrease in transcription. The question I am trying to answer is whether there is a global decrease in transcription or not.
So far, I have analysed the data with DESeq2 using the least variable Drosophila genes (dm6) and applied it on my human counts (from featureCounts -t exons).
dds_dm6 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts_dm6,
colData = sample_info,
design = ~ treatment)
dds_dm6 <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_dm6)
dds_hg38 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts_hg38,
colData = sample_info,
design = ~ treatment)
sizeFactors(dds_hg38) <- sizeFactors(dds_dm6)
According to this analysis, the results suggest that ~900 genes are deregulated, which are less genes that what I would expect.
Am I applying the Spike-in normalisation correctly to see if there is a global change in transcription?
Thanks, Ana