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Dear Developer team of Bioconductor,
Indeed i have a bit annoying problematic through i tried to download BigWig files from the web, where here i stated my code and what is results from my running such code.
> library('rtracklayer') > x <- import.bw('http://duffel.rail.bio/recount/DRP000366/bw/DRR000897.bw',as = 'RleList') Error in seqinfo(ranges) : UCSC library operation failed In addition: Warning message: In seqinfo(ranges) : unable to parse last-modified string [Sun, 24 Jul 2016 16:49:39 GMT]
Thanks in advance for any suggested solution,
Weird, my only guess is that it's some sort of locale issue.
I think this may be a duplicate question.
Problem with importing bigWig file from GEO with rtracklayer?
It's not a duplicate question. It involves a linux OS instead of Windows. It's related to this thread Error through importing (project = 'SRP009615') or even to download any BigWig File.