I'm trying to use ioniser with the function readFast5Summary but a message error appears:
fast5files <- list.files(path = "/home/ferrato/Documents/fast5", pattern = ".fast5$",full.names = TRUE) example.summary <- readFast5Summary(fast5files)
Checking file validity
Reading Channel Data
Reading Raw Data
Reading Template Data
Reading Complement Data
Reading Template FASTQ
Error in .subset(x, j) : type 'closure' d'indice incorrect
Could you say me what to do please ?
Does it do this is you try only a single file? e.g.
If it does, can you make that one file available to me, so I can try and debug the code?
It would also be helpful if you could edit your post to include the output of the command
, so I can see which version of R and IONiseR you're using.