Dear Gviz guys,
Unfortunately I am getting a weird off-by-one error when trying to plot coverage and reads from a STAR alignet BAM file. This error is only present in Gvit and not in IGV:
My command:
achrom <- "chr16" afrom <- 23649261 ato <- 23649301 mutpos <- 23649285 altrack1 <- AlignmentsTrack(bamfile1, isPaired = FALSE, col.mates = "darkgrey", fill = "#E41A1C", type = c("pileup"), name = sample, stackHeight = 0.8, min.height = 4, max.height = 8) bmt <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(genome = "hg19", chromosome = achrom, start = afrom, end = ato, filter = list(with_ox_refseq_mrna = TRUE), stacking = "dense") axisTrack <- GenomeAxisTrack(labelPos = "below") ht <- HighlightTrack(trackList = list(bmt), start = mutpos, width = 1, chromosome = achrom, fill = "#000000", inBackground = TRUE) plotTracks( list(altrack1,ht,sTrack,axisTrack), from = afrom, to = ato, chromosome = achrom, sizes=c(5,1,1,1), fontcolor = fcol)
Any ideas?
Thanks for your great support btw!
Best, Bernt
the BAM subset for that region with samtools:
The index:
The error is reproducable on my system with this BAM.
Best, Bernt