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Last seen 4.4 years ago
I am using Windows, R version 4.0.3. I want to install the library "EBImage" so I entered the following command:
The following error is given:
Package which is only available in source form, and may need compilation of C/C++/Fortran: ‘EBImage’
These will not be installed
I have my C++ compiler installed.
Can Anyone show me the correct way to install the package? Any help is appreciated!
Instead of your C++ compiler installed, you may need Rtools to compile the package from source under Windows
Have you tried
BiocManager::install("EBImage", type="source")
This will compile by source. If it gives ERROR's please show the ERROR messages.The following is shown:
I proceed to update them and this happened:
Not sure if it could help, but when updating a package, it's better to close all R/RStudio session to avoid potential use of the package (at least under Windows). Then start a R session with an empty environment, or a really new/empty RStudio project. Then update the package, and it should succeed because it is not loaded nor any of its dependencies (except the core packages). HTH