I am currently playing with different contrast coding strategies in R - especially in DESeq2.
As part of that, I was producing the same DGE analysis using two different contrast coding strategies: (1) using the what is called simplest case for contrasts in the DESeq2::results()
help file, and (2) using what is called the most general case.
While I was expecting identical results, I saw a minor fraction of genes with differences.
These differences are in four columns of the results output: (1) log2FoldChange, (2) stat, (3) pvalue, and (4) padj.
Does anyone know why this is the case?
For now, I am skipping the original code part for this example, since it is a rather long script. And again: splitting point of the two different outputs is the DESeq2::results()
function, supplying different contrast codings. So based on the fact that more than 17,200 genes are completely identical between the two outputs, I am rather certain that there is no coding issue.
But I am happy to expand on the coding part - of course.
I did attach an image of the genes (again, out of more than 17,200 genes) which will show the genes with differences. I hope the columns are self-explanatory.
columns refer to the most general case; _DESeq2-specific
columns refer to the contrast coding using the c(factor, numerator, denominator)
As mentioned in the original post above, the splitting point into the two different outputs is the DESeq2::results()
model_formula <- stats::formula(
x = ~ 1 + donor_id + treatment
model_matrix <- stats::model.matrix(
object = model_formula,
data = SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = dds)
DESeq2::design(object = dds) <- model_formula
dds_estimate_size_factors <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(
object = dds
dds_estimate_dispersions <- DESeq2::estimateDispersions(
object = dds_estimate_size_factors
dds_nbinom_wald_test <- DESeq2::nbinomWaldTest(
object = dds_estimate_dispersions
model_contrasts <- limma::makeContrasts(
treatment_A_effect =
levels = model_matrix
dds_res_1 <- DESeq2::results(
object = dds_nbinom_wald_test,
contrast = model_contrasts,
lfcThreshold = params$lfc_threshold_stats,
altHypothesis = "greaterAbs",
independentFiltering = TRUE,
alpha = 0.1,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
format = "DataFrame",
tidy = TRUE
tmp_contrasts <- base::list(
treatment_A_effect = c("treatment", "A", "B")
dds_res_2 <- DESeq2::results(
object = dds_nbinom_wald_test,
contrast = tmp_contrasts,
lfcThreshold = params$lfc_threshold_stats,
altHypothesis = "greaterAbs",
independentFiltering = TRUE,
alpha = 0.1,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
format = "DataFrame",
tidy = TRUE
The result of this code are two tables das_res_1
and dds_res_2
, where 17,293 genes are completely identical in terms of their log2FC, p-values etc, and 12 genes are not. This is shown in the image of this post. I did not show the code for making the data frame shown in the image, but this was basic re-arranging the columns using tidyr.
BTW: Treatment "B" is the reference level in the model.
I hope the code addition helps!
Thanks much everybody!!
You should add code to explain what you did rather than just text. Right now it is basically irreproducible.
Sure... as mentioned, I can add the code.
I will edit the original post.
Best, Ben
Okay... Code is added now. Let me know if you have any other questions regarding the code.