Dear all,
if you do not mind reading or answering a simple question please :
would you please advise, what is the simplest and most reliable way to extract the mRNA sequences of the canonical RefSeq genes in human or mouse genomes ?
thanks a lot,
-- bogdan
Dear Bogdan,
This can be done using a combination of useMart and getSequence functions. If you want the mRNA sequence for NM_031419 for example, use:
I hope this helps! Best, Heiko
Dear Heiko, thank you for your suggestions.
shall i aim please to download the transcript sequence of a lincRNA (for example NR_130130), how shall i specify it in the getSequence() ?
thanks :)
Not really a Bioc question, but how about simple downloading the transcriptome fasta files for your reference build and then grep what you need?