stackStringsFromBam equivalent for GAlignments with seq
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Janet Young ▴ 740
Last seen 5.4 years ago
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,…

hi there,

It's been a while since I posted - hi all! I miss you bioc people here at the Hutch.

I am wondering whether a function exists that works like stackStringsFromBam, but operates on a GAlignments object (that contains a "seq" column) rather than a bam file. I'm asking because I want to do this series of operations (a) read in a bam file as GAlignments (has thousands of reads), e.g. aln <- readGAlignments(bamfile, use.names=TRUE, param=ScanBamParam(what="seq")) (b) do some filtering on those alignments (now have fewer thousands of reads) aln_filt <- aln[myFilters] (c) get an alignment of reads overlapping a region of interest (~10 reads in each region)

If I want to skip the filtering step, I can get the alignment like this:
myAln <- stackStringsFromBam(bamfile, param=myRegionAsGRanges, use.names=TRUE) but that operates on a bam rather than GAlignments object.

It'd be really handy for me there was an analagous function like stackStringsFromGAlignments - would that be easy to implement? (or does it already exist?)

I think I can see a path towards getting what I need using the sequenceLayer function but that path seems more complicated than it should be. I can see other potential paths too that will extract sequence chunks given a reference sequence, but they lose the read names, which I want to use in later processing steps.

Am I missing something? It seems like there's probably a function out there that'll do what I want but I can't figure out what it is.

thanks very much!


genomicalignments stackStringsFromBam sequenceLayer • 1.9k views
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Last seen 13 hours ago
Seattle, WA, United States

Hi Janet,

Long time no see. Welcome back!

I added stackStringsFromGAlignments() to GenomicAlignments 1.21.4 (devel). See commit here.

GenomicAlignments 1.21.4 should propagate to BioC 3.10 (devel) in the next 24-48h.



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Janet Young ▴ 740
Last seen 5.4 years ago
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,…

Wow - so quick! thanks, Herve - really appreciate it.

It's been a while since I've used devel (things are so stable these days), so I'll have to remind myself how to run that, but I'll try this out ASAP.


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(deleted comment - meant to submit it as a reply)

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Janet Young ▴ 740
Last seen 5.4 years ago
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,…

Tried stackStringsFromGAlignments - looks great! Thanks again, Herve.

On a quick test it works really well. I did a sanity check with test alignment/region, and I noticed something that I'm sure I can ignore, but wondered if you might care about it for consistency.

I noticed on a test region that the objects returned by stackStringsFromBam and stackStringsFromGAlignments are not fully identical. The parts I care about (seq and names) are identical, which is great, but there's an mcols element that's not. I don't really understand what that mcols object is, but I don't think I need to - seems like an internal thing for DNAStringSets that won't affect me (?).

Anyway, a code example will be the easiest to explain. First, I get an alignment either from bam file or from GAlignments object:

bamfile <- BamFile("myfile.sorted.bam")
aln <- readGAlignments(bamfile, use.names=TRUE, param=ScanBamParam(what="seq"))
myAln <- stackStringsFromBam(bamfile, param=temp[35], use.names=TRUE)
myAln2 <- stackStringsFromGAlignments(aln, region=temp[35])

I'm happy that sequence and names are identical:

   identical(seq(myAln),seq(myAln2)) # TRUE
   identical(names(myAln),names(myAln2)) # TRUE

but the overall DNAStringSet object is not

identical(myAln,myAln2)   # FALSE

and that's because of the mcols:

DataFrame with 12 rows and 0 columns

DataFrame with 12 rows and 1 column
10/8454466//0_2661  AAAGCTTTTC...TCGATGAGCG


other than mcols, the two alignments are identical:

mcols(myAln) <- mcols(myAln2)
identical(myAln,myAln2) # TRUE

thanks again!


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Right. This is expected. For myAln you din't explicitly request the seq metadata column. If you explicitly request it, e.g. with:

param <- ScanBamParam(which=temp[35], what="seq")
myAln <- stackStringsFromBam(bamfile, param=param, use.names=TRUE)

then myAln and myAln2 should have the same metadata columns.

An additional note: please keep in mind that identical() is not reliable on objects that use external pointers internally, like XStringSet objects. It can produce some embarrassing false positives:

x <- DNAStringSet(c("AA", "CCC"))
y <- DNAStringSet(c("GG", "TTT"))
identical(x, y)
# [1] TRUE

A more reliable way to check that 2 XStringSet objects contain the same sequences is to do identical(as.character(x), as.character(y)). However note that this does not compare the class or the metadata columns of the 2 objects.


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Also I'm not so sure that your test identical(seq(myAln),seq(myAln2)) is doing what you have in mind. seq() is a base function that only works by chance on XStringSet objects but doesn't do anything interesting on them. It seems to be doing something like seq_along() on them.

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And I realize now that the show method for XStringSet objects is probably misleading here, by suggesting the existence of a seq() getter for these objects. Hmm... not good. I wonder how many users got misled by this. I need to do something about this.

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thanks again. that makes sense (the mcols thing).

I'd better steer clear of identical! that's unpredictable and a little scary.

and yes, I'd made a wrong assumption about 'seq' - not sure where that came into my head from that it might be a function to get the seqs. It could have been the 'show' output, or perhaps some other object type where there's a seq getter (?? I can't think what though). Would 'seqs' be a better column header in the show method, to reduce the chance of misleading users?

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Not sure what's the best way to deal with this. I just opened an issue on GitHub about this so we keep track of the problem.



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