I have searched and found that others have had a similar issue like this before. So, I have tried the solution by using a different mirror (in this case useast), but I still keep getting the same error. This script always worked in the past, but hasn't been working for the last two days for me.
ensembl <- useDataset(dataset = "hsapiensgeneensembl", mart = useEnsembl(biomart = 'ENSEMBLMARTENSEMBL', mirror = "useast"))
geneidlist <- rownames(resLFC.df)
ensembl.translate <- getBM(attributes = c("ensemblgeneid", "externalgenename", "genebiotype"), filters = "ensemblgene_id", values = geneidlist, mart = ensembl)
I keep getting this error:
Batch submitting query [========>---------------------------------------------------] 14% eta: 19sError in getBM(attributes = c("ensemblgeneid", "externalgenename", : The query to the BioMart webservice returned an invalid result: biomaRt expected a character string of length 1. Please report this on the support site at http://support.bioconductor.org
sessionInfo() R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.7 (Maipo)
Matrix products: default BLAS: /usr/lib64/libblas.so.3.4.2 LAPACK: /usr/lib64/liblapack.so.3.4.2
attached base packages: [1] parallel stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] devtools2.2.2 usethis1.5.1 RColorBrewer1.1-2
[4] gplots3.0.3 ggrepel0.8.2 ggplot23.3.0
[7] DESeq21.24.0 SummarizedExperiment1.14.1 DelayedArray0.10.0
[10] BiocParallel1.18.1 matrixStats0.56.0 Biobase2.44.0
[13] GenomicRanges1.36.1 GenomeInfoDb1.20.0 IRanges2.18.3
[16] S4Vectors0.22.1 BiocGenerics0.30.0 tximport1.12.3
[19] apeglm1.6.0 pheatmap1.0.12 data.table1.12.8
[22] R.utils2.9.2 R.oo1.23.0 R.methodsS31.8.0
[25] pacman0.5.1 biomaRt2.40.5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] colorspace1.4-1 ellipsis0.3.0 rprojroot1.3-2 htmlTable1.13.3
[5] XVector0.24.0 base64enc0.1-3 fs1.3.2 rstudioapi0.11
[9] farver2.0.3 remotes2.1.1 bit640.9-7 AnnotationDbi1.46.1
[13] fansi0.4.1 mvtnorm1.1-0 xml21.2.5 splines3.6.0
[17] geneplotter1.62.0 knitr1.28 pkgload1.0.2 zeallot0.1.0
[21] jsonlite1.6.1 Formula1.2-3 annotate1.62.0 cluster2.1.0
[25] png0.1-7 readr1.3.1 compiler3.6.0 httr1.4.1
[29] backports1.1.5 assertthat0.2.1 Matrix1.2-18 cli2.0.2
[33] acepack1.4.1 htmltools0.4.0 prettyunits1.1.1 tools3.6.0
[37] coda0.19-3 gtable0.3.0 glue1.3.2 GenomeInfoDbData1.2.1
[41] dplyr0.8.5 Rcpp1.0.3 bbmle1.0.23.1 vctrs0.2.1
[45] gdata2.18.0 xfun0.12 stringr1.4.0 ps1.3.2
[49] testthat2.3.2 lifecycle0.2.0 gtools3.8.1 XML3.99-0.3
[53] zlibbioc1.30.0 MASS7.3-51.5 scales1.1.0 hms0.5.3
[57] yaml2.2.1 curl4.3 memoise1.1.0 gridExtra2.3
[61] emdbook1.3.12 bdsmatrix1.3-4 rpart4.1-15 latticeExtra0.6-29
[65] stringi1.4.6 RSQLite2.2.0 genefilter1.66.0 desc1.2.0
[69] checkmate2.0.0 caTools1.18.0 pkgbuild1.0.6 rlang0.4.5
[73] pkgconfig2.0.3 bitops1.0-6 lattice0.20-40 purrr0.3.3
[77] labeling0.3 htmlwidgets1.5.1 processx3.4.2 bit1.1-15.2
[81] tidyselect1.0.0 plyr1.8.6 magrittr1.5 R62.4.1
[85] Hmisc4.4-0 DBI1.1.0 pillar1.4.3 foreign0.8-76
[89] withr2.1.2 survival3.1-11 RCurl1.98-1.1 nnet7.3-13
[93] tibble2.1.3 crayon1.3.4 KernSmooth2.23-16 jpeg0.1-8.1
[97] progress1.2.2 locfit1.5-9.4 grid3.6.0 callr3.4.3
[101] blob1.2.1 digest0.6.25 xtable1.8-4 numDeriv2016.8-1.1
[105] munsell0.5.0 sessioninfo1.1.1
I have been getting this error recently, too, but only when submitting large queries with
activated. It seems that Ensembl may [for now] not like large queries like that; however, it is just as easy to not usefilters
and still get the annotation that you need. For example, simply obtaining the entire table from Ensembl seems easier than a lookup of specific values:For example, this will likely allow you to retrieve data quicker, and then use the entire table as a lookup:
...as opposed to a focused lookup:
Hello, thank you for this useful answer. I am trying to get into Ensembl and it seems to be completely down, as when I use
mirror = 'www'
this message appears:This is the first time I experience this. My problem in the past has been dealing with the curl timeout, giving errors like:
Now the biggest problem is, I have a 20000 entries query, which I am manually cutting to 3000 entry pieces (without looping). I have been trying this for days, and always either one or the other errors above appear. If I run only 10 entries everything works properly...
I have cut out all attributes to retrieve and kept only the basics (IDs and coding sequences).
Can you help?
Please don't add comments to very old posts. In the future, just ask a new question.
You shouldn't have to manually cut things into pieces, as
will happily do that for you. You might need to increase your timeout though (options(timeout = 1e5)
). As for connecting to a Biomart server, you could use this dumb function I just wrote for a script, to protect against connection problems.It will just keep trying until it gets a connection. Dumb but effective.