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Loading required package: IRanges Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb > med1 = read.delim("Mediator1.macs2_peaks.xls", skip = 25, header = TRUE) > head(med1) chr start end length abs_summit pileup X.log10.pvalue. fold_enrichment 1 chr1 3295813 3296012 200 3295920 16 3.08787 2.15308 2 chr1 3511515 3511834 320 3511683 15 2.68170 2.02643 3 chr1 3699635 3699834 200 3699687 16 3.08787 2.15308 4 chr1 3701053 3701252 200 3701168 16 3.08787 2.15308 5 chr1 3851760 3851971 212 3851944 15 1.65003 1.59714 6 chr1 3883369 3883640 272 3883534 21 5.44513 2.78634 X.log10.qvalue. name 1 -1 Mediator1.macs2_peak_1 2 -1 Mediator1.macs2_peak_2 3 -1 Mediator1.macs2_peak_3 4 -1 Mediator1.macs2_peak_4 5 -1 Mediator1.macs2_peak_5 6 -1 Mediator1.macs2_peak_6 > med1gr = GRanges(med1$chr,IRanges(med1$start, med1$end, med1$length ),height = med1$pileup,enrichment = med1$fold_enrichment) > library(ChIPseeker) > library(clusterProfiler) library(TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene) > txdb = TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene > med1_anno <- annotatePeak(med1gr, tssRegion = c(-3000,3000), as = "GRanges", TranscriptDb = txdb, annoDb = "org.Mm.eg.db") >> preparing features information... 2014-09-22 08:36:01 AM >> identifying nearest features... 2014-09-22 08:36:02 AM Error in IRanges:::normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x) : subscript contains NAs or out of bounds indices
I was trying to extract features using ChIPseeker package. But I am getting error as shown above. I donot have any NA in file. I donot know why I am getting this error. any suggestion in this regard. I am biologist so least technical answer with some ready made recipe will be helpful.