Dear Florian,
I would like to visualise the link to 2 features. Each feature has color related to their type and the link has the color related to its type.
For example from eQTL:
SNP has its color
exon has its color depending on its type, but it can be 5UTR exon, or coding exon, 3UTRexon
the link between SNP and Exon can be for example 2 type cis-eQTL or trans-eQTL.
So I would like to visualise with AnnotationTrack the link between SNP and exon with their specific color for each feature and the color of the link depending on the type
Example of data: chromsosome, start, end, strand, feature, group
chr2 56369 56369 . SNP SNP-exon1 chr2 56450 56526 - exon SNP-exon1 chr2 5639 56450 . cis-EQTL SNP-exon1 chr2 56369 56369 . SNP SNP-5UTR1 chr2 56525 56540 5UTR SNP-5UTR1 chr2 5639 56525 . trans-EQTL SNP-5UTR1
For color:
SNP red exon orange 5UTR lightorange cis-EQTL green trans-EQTL purple
I can create my link between 2 features like a new feature and change this color and size, but maybe it is better way to do that!
How to change the color of link between 2 features (for example between SNP and exon) depending on their type (fro example cis-eQTL or trans-eQTL)? how to change the size of features as you did for 5UTR from Ensembl data ? is it possible to have different shape depending on the type of feature in the same annotationTrack?