Questions regarding removal and following re-installation of a specific R package using a custom library path
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svlachavas ▴ 840
Last seen 1 day ago
Germany/Heidelberg/German Cancer Resear…

Dear All,

please excuse me for insisting from a previous post (Error with R package RontoTools regarding administrator issues downloading updated KEGG data), but because i dont have any significant experience in any related issues, i would like to ask to general questions about the installation of R packages:

1) as i want to remove a specific R packagebecause when i updated in  R 3.2.2 i kept also my previous r R version-but from Rstudio i run only the latest version- should i remove manually the package,

or use something like: remove.packages("ROntoTools") # the specific package ??


2) Secondly, to reinstall the above package again, but using a custom library path(because with the default biocLite i have problems in dowloading data-"permision denied" etc..-, could i use some argument with biocLite() specifying this ?

I searched also some forums and found the function: 

.libPaths() which by default returns : .libPaths()

[1] "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.2/library"

Thus, could i use this argument specifying a different location for installing this specific package, like my default working directory: 

"C:/Users/Efstathios/Documents" ??

Any help or suggestions would be essential !!

package installation custom library path biocLite bioconductor • 2.0k views
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You probably don't need to worry about uninstalling packages. Skip that and just try reinstalling with biocLite(). Don't worry about where the package is installed, if biocLite() can't write to the default library directory it will prompt you to create a new one and you can say yes. After reinstalling the package, does it then work for you?


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