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I am using DESeq2 to analyze RNA-seq data
In this first step to generate count table I used following code.
library( "GenomicFeatures" ) hse <- makeTxDbFromGFF( "Mus_musculus.GRCm38.84.chr.gtf", format="gtf" ) exonsByGene <- exonsBy( hse, by="gene") fls <- list.files( "Bamfiles", pattern="bam$", full=TRUE )library( "Rsamtools" ) bamLst <- BamFileList ( fls, yieldSize=100000 )
library( "GenomicAlignments" ) se <- summarizeOverlaps( exonsByGene, bamLst,mode="Union",singleEnd=FALSE,ignore.strand=TRUE,fragments=TRUE )
But I am getting total count as "0" for all the bam files. from this code
colSums( assay(se) )
I am not able to find the reason for so. I did alignment using tophat.
all(seqlevels(bamLst) %in% seqlevels(hse))
? Is the gtf file from the same build as the alignments?Thanks Martin
I got my answer, gtf is not from same build.