with aprox 150000 entries each. I would like to know which fragments of cnv_1overlap in any way with cnv_2, and -this is the most important for me- to obtain the specific region that overlap. For example, doing that to the data.frames of the example, to obtain:
You'd need to update your R, and then your Bioconductor installation (in that order). It'll always help if you post your `sessionInfo()` along with your post, that way everyone knows exactly what platform and what versions of package you have installed.
If you want a copy of all the packages you have installed in your current R, to carry over to the new installation of R, you can do something like this in R,
I don't know why but...
Error: could not find function "findOverlapPairs"
You'll need to update your Biocondutor.
I have this problem
Error: Bioconductor version 3.2 cannot be upgraded with R version 3.2.3
It's very frustrating, is the only function that does't work.
You'd need to update your R, and then your Bioconductor installation (in that order). It'll always help if you post your `sessionInfo()` along with your post, that way everyone knows exactly what platform and what versions of package you have installed.
If you want a copy of all the packages you have installed in your current R, to carry over to the new installation of R, you can do something like this in R,
These can be installed in an R script (on a new R installation) or interactively with,
Also, please take a look at the documentation for this,