seqinr isn't s a Bioconductor package. You could however use Biostrings to read the fasta file
dna = readDNAStringSet("your.fasta")
then select the part that you want to 'shuffle', split it into individual characters, sample the characters, and paste pack together
mid = subseq(dna, 5, 10)
shuffled = lapply(strsplit(mid, ""), function(elt) paste(sample(elt), collapse=""))
then update the original
subseq(dna, 5, 10) = shuffled
There are more flexible ways of choosing the 'middle', but that requires more information on how you'd like to define that.
If the purpose is to randomize the middle parts compared to the flanking, then maybe
subseq(dna, 5, 10) = sample(subseq(dna(5, 10))