I am trying to do a principal component analysis to an Affymetrix microarray
SDRF <- read.delim('E-GEOD-40442.sdrf.txt')
rownames(SDRF) <- SDRF$Source.Name
SDRF <- AnnotatedDataFrame(SDRF)
raw_data <- read.celfiles(files= cel.files, phenoData = SDRF)
exp_raw <- log2(Biobase::exprs(raw_data))
"matrix" "array"
GSM994317 1 GSM994316 1 GSM994315 1 GSM994314 1
1 12.632995 12.736825 12.331757 12.539401
2 6.781360 7.228819 6.658211 6.491853
3 12.498600 12.593158 12.262976 12.603626
4 6.965784 6.857981 6.066089 6.569856
5 5.000000 5.321928 5.426265 5.169925
6 6.781360 7.118941 6.741467 6.475733
Then while trying to perform a PCA is when the error occurs:
PCA_raw <- prcomp(t(exp_raw))
R Session Aborted
R enconuntured a fatal error.
The session was terminated
#(PD: This happens in Rstudio, the same occurs in the terminal)
here with any corresponding output
please also include the results of running the following in an R session
sessionInfo( )
Hi, you are log [base 2] transforming raw expression levels and tying to perform a single value decomposition on these via
? what is the error returned outside of R Studio? what are the dimensions of the data? It may seem odd, but please re-start your computer in order to clear cache, and obviously start a new R session for every new analysis.Hi Kevin! Thank you for your answer.
1) I am not sure about this question. My objective is to perform a principal component analysis so I can after that generate a representation of my samples in relation to their values for the first and second principal components.
2) The errors from R (Linux terminal) and Rstudio are exactly the same. The data was obtained from ArrayExpress (E-GEOD-40442) and is the following: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/experiments/E-GEOD-40442/
3) The dimensions are 67 samples for multiple genes:
4) Reestarting the session and clearing the cache have not worked. I am not sure what is the error I am not taking into account but must be somewhere. I am still a learner