Hi, I am trying to access a recently added annotation of EPICv2 DNA methylation array from AnnotationHub using the code below but cannot retrieve it. I found this modified manifest useful from recent paper; https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/data/annotation/vignettes/EPICv2manifest/inst/doc/EPICv2manifest.html
> ah <- AnnotationHub()
> EPICv2manifest <- ah[["AH116484"]]
Error: AH116484 added after current Hub snapshot date.
added: 2024-02-09
snapshot date: 2023-10-23
To access this resource update your version of Bioconductor
R 4.3.3, Bioconductor 3.18, BiocManager 1.30.22, AnnotationHub 3.10.0
Do I need to update Bioconductor to development version? that needs R to be 4.4 and I don't want that, any quick fix plz? Thanks
Dear Tim,
Is "Additional file 4" in https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12864-024-10027-5#Sec31 the same as the "EPIC-8v2-0_A2.csv" manifest file available at Illumina's webpage?
Thank you, Chris
Hi Chris,
It is based off that manifest file but contains 31 additional columns describing some of the results in the paper. All cg and ch probes are present (rs, nv and control probes have been removed).
Cheers, Tim