Mean variance curve troubleshoot filtering
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Last seen 6 weeks ago
United States

Hi, I'm trying to assess differential expression in my total RNASeq data. I have several groups: Baseline, infected Pathogen1, infected pathogen 2, infected pathogen 1+2) where infected groups were sampled across 4 days. Pathogen 1+2 at 7 days has only 2 samples where the rest have 4 samples at each time (except baseline n=3). I'm planning to compare all of the groups (considering each time point from the infected groups as separate group) using a linear model to baseline.

I'm concerned about the plot of mean variance trend because it looks like I have not filtered the data sufficiently- the trend resembles a normal curve (ref: variance-trend-plot-how-to-interpret-the-plot & Law et al., 2018). I'm not sure what the best approach would be to remedy this as suggested in Law et al. if I need to filter more.

Note: Filtering based on the group with the least amount of samples (2) and for cpm considered an avg of 5 million reads per sample (range: 27k - 10 million)

#1d. Create DGElist, d1
d0 <- DGEList(mouse.counts)
dim(d0) #134,071 x 49


# 2. FILTER genes that have CPM values above 2 in at least two libraries: 
keep <- rowSums(cpm(d0) > 2) >= 2
d <- d0[keep, , keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
dim(d) #29089 genes remaining

#Calculate norm factors after filtering.
dt <- calcNormFactors(d)

dgex2 <- estimateCommonDisp(dt, verbose=TRUE)
degxplot2 <- plotBCV(dgex2) #BCOV 3.7

#Look at the multidimensional scaling plot
#MDS plot colored by "Group' ordering: (color, #of samples corresponding to this color), cex is the font size, pairwise comparisons 
plotMDS(dt,  col=c(rep("black",3), rep("red",4), rep("red",4), rep("red",4), rep("red",2), rep("blue",4), rep("blue",4), rep("blue",4), rep("blue",4), rep("green",4), rep("green",4), rep("green",4), rep("green",4)), cex=0.3)
#common genes for each comparison
plotMDS(dt,  col=c(rep("black",3), rep("red",4), rep("red",4), rep("red",4), rep("red",2), rep("blue",4), rep("blue",4), rep("blue",4), rep("blue",4), rep("green",4), rep("green",4), rep("green",4), rep("green",4)), cex=0.5, gene.selection = "common")

#Write the log-transformed normalized expression data (filtered data)
logcpm <- cpm(dt, prior.count=2, log=TRUE)
avelogcpm <- aveLogCPM(dt)

group <- metadata1$Group #metadata table considers each tx & day as a separate group
group <- factor(group)
Baseline.D0  IBV_Spn.D1  IBV_Spn.D3  IBV_Spn.D5  IBV_Spn.D7      IBV.D1      IBV.D3      IBV.D5 
          3           4           4           4           2           4           4           4 
     IBV.D7      Spn.D1      Spn.D3      Spn.D5      Spn.D7 
          4           4           4           4           4 
mmg <- model.matrix(~group)
ydt <- voom(dt, mmg, plot = T) #norm factors calculated on filtered data

#test model fitting
#fitting linear models with Limma 
fit <- lmFit(ydt, mmg)

#6b. Empirical Bayes smoothing of standard errors (shrinks standard errors that are much larger or smaller than those from other genes towards the average standard error) (see
efit <- eBayes(fit)
sessionInfo( )

ydt <- voom(dt, mmg, plot = T)

Mean variance trend

limmavoom filtering edgeR RNASeqData meanvariancetrend • 317 views
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Last seen 4 hours ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

You could use filterByExpr(), as recommended by Law et al (2018) and in the limma and edgeR case studies.

However, the main problem with your data seems to be the huge about of variability between replicates (BCV = 3.7), and no amount of filtering will help with that.

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Gordon, thank for your response. 'filterByExpr()' was marginally better. I can see high variability in samples within the groups from the MDS plot. I tried fitting the model using weighting following Liu et al. 2015 (voomWithQualityWeights) to deal with this. I think that maybe using Voom with block weights might be best for helping with the variation or considering to discard some samples since I have 4 biological replicates in most groups. If you have any further suggestions or insights on handling the variation in this dataset, I would appreciate your input.

gene.selection=common MDS, gene.selection=common


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