I would like to use edgeR to perform an ANOVA for difference between multiple groups, but am wondering what the best way is to do this. I have an RNA-seq experiment with multiple groups that I modeled without an intercept term (because there is no control group). I find the ANOVA-like test described in the edgeR Useres guide (chapter 3.2.6 for LRT and 4.4.9 for QL F-test approach) very useful, but don't think it's applicable to a model without intercept. What I want to do is an ANOVA where the F-test would test the difference of each group means from grand means being zero. Is it possible to do such an analysis in edgeR? Would I need to define an additional intercept term for this? Please let me know if I didn't state my question clearly enough. Thank you very much in advance
Thanks a lot for your reply Aaron. I'm not sure if I completely understood why the grand means would cancel out. So if I have 10 groups, testing contrast of any one group against the 9 others should then be equivalent to testing each of the 10 groups against the grand means, correct?
No, for N groups, you require N-1 contrasts to do an ANODEV test. Pick one group arbitrarily and form contrasts of every other group against that one. (It doesn't matter which one you pick, you'll get the same p-values.)