Dear all,
please could you advise about a way (ie a package/function in BioC) to normalize the ChIP-seq data for the calculation of POLYMERASE2 PAUSING RATIO (PR) for all the genes in the genome ;
we have a POL2 ChIP-seq dataset, and we compute the PAUSING RATIO (PR) as the ratio between the regions :
a. -- the read density in a region (-100,+300) around the TSS
b. -- the read density in a region (+1kb,+5kb) downstream of TSS
I know that we could normalize in edgeR or DESEq2 the ChIP-seq data;
another question being, shall we normalize the read counts in each region a) and b) above :
-- separately, -- together, or -- would it be legitimate to normalize the PR (Pausing Ratio) ?
thanks Aaron, for your reply and for sending the link to potential solutions.