I have three groups (with multiple replicates each) from 3 different locations. How can I obtain the DEG between the three groups since I have no control to compare to? I would like to obtain a list of the DEG across samples, and then run pairwise tests ANOVA + posthoc of specific genes between the three regions.
Would this be the way? Is there a better of more efficient way of doing this?
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = cts,
colData = coldata,
design = ~ region)
anova <- aov(df_genes$Value ~ df_genes$Region)
# Tukey test
tuckey.test<- TukeyHSD(anova)
You are using DESeq, so why don't you use DESeq? It is smarter about your RNASeq data than any plain R function is.
Where in DeSeq I can find the significant differenced genes and between which "regions" they are? Sorry I am not very familiar with it.