I have some problems when I use biomaRt. My R version is 4.0.3 and my biomaRt is up to date.
My problem is I can’t use the function “getBM” in all of the ways. The error log is "Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘withr’ ”, which I can’t found the package “withr” to support this function.
I have tried many codes to align gene profile with my data, but all failed. The error code was always shown "Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘withr’ ”. And I am wondering what should I do to solve this problem.
This is one of the codes I have tried, still an error.
values <- c('WBGene00166185', 'WBGene00007063')
attr1 <- c('ensembl_gene_id', 'external_gene_name', 'coding')
x <- getBM(attributes = attr1, mart = ensembl, bmHeader = TRUE,
filters = 'ensembl_gene_id', values = values)
Please help me to figure out what’s wrong with my code. Thank you!