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div class="preformatted">Hi All I'm looking for an opportunity to learn limma in the USA. Does anybody know about courses offered in limma? I've used basic limma, but am now planning a more complicated...time-coure experiment and would like to learn from limma experts. I'm interested in cDNA applications. Cecilia McGregor Post-Doc Sweetpotato Breeding and Genetics Lab JC Miller
updated 18.2 years ago • Cecilia McGregor
a function that is a modification of the normalizeWithinArrays() with printtiploess option of the limma package. We are spot quality control prior to normalization which results in some genes being dropped. Once that happens...grid, so that the print top loess can be performed. So I have been looking for the source code for limma, but it seams to be unavailable since the package is distributed…
updated 20.5 years ago • Peter Wilkinson
div class="preformatted"> >[BioC] LIMMA >Matt Settles mattsettles at moscow.com >Mon Jan 30 19:10:12 CET 2006 > >Hello all, > >I've found an issue in your...limma package concerning read.maimages > >First there appears to be two different latest versions out there CRAN has...gt;limma 2.4.7 and bioconductor has 2.2.0 is 2.4.7 still …
updated 18.9 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">I've had a few requests for updates to the limma package from people who are still using R 1.9.1 or earlier. Naturally it would be best to update to R 2.0.1 but, for those...who need it, I've put a slightly modified version of limma 1.8.13 built for R 1.9.1 for Windows at http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/limma/r1091/limma_1.8.13.zip. You need to download...then use "install p…
updated 20.1 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">statmod does not get installed along with limma. Even if I install statmod manually, it does not load when limma is loaded (although it does when it is needed). This problem...has persisted for several generations of limma. --Naomi </div
updated 13.5 years ago • Naomi Altman
div class="preformatted">Hello all, I am a PhD student at University of Pisa. I frequently use LIMMA package to handle gene expression microarray data. I have a question about spot copies management by LIMMA. I know that...LIMMA needs all spots on the array are in the same number of copy ( e.g. each spot in double ). In my research group It is just starting...for each probe. Moreover there is…
updated 16.6 years ago • Erika Melissari
div class="preformatted">Hi, I have found a problem with the limma, limmaGUI combination: (v 1.7.1 limma, and 1.2.1 GUI). The latest install was used (downloaded from the limmaGUI site) to install...reported that is was unable to read the image processing files. I have used older versions off limma/limmaGUI before and this always worked. After trying several things (changing files, renaming a…
updated 20.5 years ago • Breuk102
<div class="preformatted">Hi Ming, voom is part of the limma package. There is a voom case study in the limma User's Guide with complete working code. It is the last case study in the users guide. voom works fine with either counts, or fractional counts, or scaled counts. We are currently finalizing additional voom code to detect differential splicing. That code isn't in the public pa…
updated 10.9 years ago • Gordon Smyth
class="preformatted">Dear colleages, I can not uderstand a result I have. I made t-permutations and LIMMA to find differentially expressed genes on the same dataset. Is it posible I can have a gene which is overexpressed using...t-permutations (t value = + something) and underespressed using LIMMA (Statistic= - something) ? Sorry but I can not fully understand the LIMMA algorithm yet. Many …
updated 15.5 years ago • Francisco Javier Burguillo
preformatted">Dear Gerhard, There have been only two changes to the empirical Bayes calculations in limma since the early days. These have been in limma versions 2.4.0 and 2.4.13. The change in 2.4.0 was introduced to better...gt; &gt;A while ago I analyzed an experiment with limma 2.4.11. It consists of &gt;20 single channel hybridizations of 10 samples (from 2 groups) before &g…
updated 18.7 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Hi, I have some questions about the data that the limma package can work on. If I have some preprocessed/normalized data of log2 ratios from 2-color arrays, but not the raw signal...data, can I still use lmFit? A related question is, can limma work on a subset of the data from an array? For example, after normalization, I filter out some probes/spots. If I can retrieve…
updated 19.8 years ago • He, Yiwen NIH/CIT
preformatted">I have a data set which pretty much duplicates the experimental design of one of the limma examples, so I am using that with great results :-D There is one difference though - the limma example has no duplicate spots...whereas my design does. So I did two runs of limma, one to find differentially expressed spots, the other to find differentially expressed genes (I assume limma
updated 20.5 years ago • michael watson IAH-C
<div class="preformatted">Dear Erika, limma doesn't explicitly handle irregular replicates. (In my lab, we haven't had to work with any of the new generation of Agilent arrays yet, so haven't had to solve the issues with them.) Your best bet may be to simply average over the replicates for each probe, after normalisation, and before using lmFit(). This is not hard, but requires some pro…
updated 16.6 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Hi, I'm learning to use Limma following your userguide. Where can I find the 'targets.txt' used in 3.2 Sample Limma Session? I have not been able to find
updated 14.9 years ago • Marissa LaMadrid
div class="preformatted">The limma change log is no longer linked to from the URL http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/limma but instead is distributed as part of the...changelog by using the html help in R and choosing "browse directory" need the top of the page for limma. Alternatively you can type file.path(.find.package("limma"),"doc/changelog.txt") at the R prompt to see where it is. Gordon
updated 20.4 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Hello lists, I am using Bioconductor/Limma package to analyze microRNA arrays. I have 7 replicate two-color arrays, 4 probe replicates each array. Follow Limma procedures...two columns of value the same? Did I calculate it mistakenly or something behind this during the Limma procedures? Could anyone kindly explain it? Thanks. Kevin [[alternative HTML versi…
class="preformatted">Hi Bioconductor users, This is a very naive question on exporting subsets in limma. But I am not very familiar with pogramming. I am trying to work through the limma user guide Sec 8.8 "Time Course Experiments...I am able to complete the limma analysis but I am stuck after subsetting the genes to only include genes with adj. p values &lt; 0.05 &gt; fit2 = contra…
updated 19.0 years ago • echang4@life.uiuc.edu
div class="preformatted"> Hello Limma Developers, I got this error when calling ebayes after lm.series: Error in ebayes(fit) : No residual degrees of freedom...in linear model fits I tried both limma 1.3.1 and 1.3.12. I appreciate your help. thanks, Ken Ninh</div
updated 21.0 years ago • kninh@mdanderson.org
<div class="preformatted">Dear List, Sorry to bring up this adjusted p value question about limma. I searched mail list but didn't find an answer. I know limma use "p.adjust()" for multiple test correction. And if there is only one coefficent, the adjust p values results of limma's top table is the same as I directly apply p.adjust to the P.Value vector. My question is that if we have se…
updated 14.3 years ago • Xiaokuan Wei
<div class="preformatted">At 08:00 PM 20/10/2005, bioconductor-request at stat.math.ethz.ch wrote: &gt;Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 14:26:42 -0400 &gt;From: Naomi Altman <naomi at="" stat.psu.edu=""> &gt;Subject: [BioC] ANCOVA in limma &gt;To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch &gt; &gt;We would like to adjust our ANOVA-type analysis by using the &gt;covariate "ag…
updated 19.2 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Hello, I've tried to install the latest stable version of Limma. With "biocLite()" command I get Limma 2.9.8 but if I use the "install.package" command I get Limma 2.8.1. How can I get the latest...stable" version of Limma package? With the following commands I get Limma 2.9.8 (Is it a stable version?) source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R...biocLite(c("limm…
updated 17.9 years ago • Alejandro
div class="preformatted">Hi, there seems to be a problem with decideTests (limma package): results&lt;-decideTests(fit2, adjust.method="BH") gives a table with probe IDs as row names if the methods "separate...however, row names are missing. Is this a feature the purpose of which I do not understand? This is limma 2.6.2 and R 2.3.0 Best, Georg </div
updated 18.6 years ago • Georg Otto
div class="preformatted">Dear all: I'm trying to use limma package. But my intensity data is not two- colored, but single color(gray), like the following: Gene1 2596.87 2429.06 2436.62...1022.47 1144.77 1078.31 1007.18 841.17 How should I do the normalization in Limma? Any guidance is appreciated. Chunrong</div
updated 21.4 years ago • cxd55@cwru.edu
preformatted">Hi, Can someone please direct me to some related articles or published data that used limma as a statistical tool? Thanks, Anna [[alternative HTML version deleted]]</div
updated 20.9 years ago • Anna Cao
2006 20:47:50 +0200 &gt; From: Georg Otto <georg.otto at="" tuebingen.mpg.de=""> &gt; Subject: [BioC] limma decideTests &gt; To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch &gt; &gt; Hi, &gt; &gt; there seems to be a problem with decideTests (limma...are missing. Is this a feature the purpose of which I do not &gt; understand? &gt; &gt; This is limma 2.6.2 and …
updated 18.6 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Hi, I want to ask some questions about limma package . if my data is not log-transform, whether also could use "lmFit" function? thanks! Chang [[alternative HTML version
updated 13.5 years ago • 張詩婷
<div class="preformatted">Dear Marissa, Section 3.2 is a hypothetical example. As the guide says, it's "a quick overview of what an analysis might look like". There are no files for download. On the other hand, the five case studies at the end of the User's Guide do give links to data files for download. Best wishes Gordon &gt; Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:28:57 -0800 &gt; From: …
updated 14.9 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Dear Sir There is a question whether could limma move out outliers, which are not consistently reproducible and has a disproportionately large effect on the statistical...microarray slide, so I will have 16 data points for each gene. If there is outliers, could I use limma to filter them? Waiting your reply. Best regards. Chen </div
updated 19.5 years ago • ? ?
<div class="preformatted">Hi, We have a microarray experiment of cDNA of 36 spotted arrays, reference design. Two persons run the analysis with same code and the same data for education purposes. One loaded limma package version &gt;sessionInfo() R version 2.2.0, 2005-10-06, i386-pc-mingw32 attached base packages: [1] "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets" […
updated 19.1 years ago • Ron Ophir
div class="preformatted">Hi All, With a *quick* search in the mailing list and through the limma PDF I couldn't find any information on how to provide for a covariance structure in limma (this is for a repeated measures...lme has "weights" and "correlation" arguments which should do the job...can anyone enlighten me on limma's way of specifying covariance structures? Thanks in advance, Jake…
updated 19.7 years ago • Jacob Michaelson
replicates) group4: spinal cord unamplified RNA (3 Affymetrix replicates) I fed all data through to limma and specified the following contrasts: contrast1: group1-group2 contrast2: group3-group4 contrast3: (group1-group2...quite nice showing in average more than 80% agreement. However, if I only feed group1 and group2 to limma without the rest of the data and repeat contrast1. And separate to t…
updated 19.7 years ago • Ilhem Diboun
<div class="preformatted">Hi all, I'm trying to get familiar with the limma package, but I've run into something I don't understand. After I load the package, if I type: ?normalizeWithinArrays The documentation...div class="preformatted">Hi all, I'm trying to get familiar with the limma package, but I've run into something I don't understand. After I load the package, if I type: ?nor…
preformatted">Dear Gordon and BioC users, I have recently updated R and BioC packages (R.2.3.0 and limma 2.7.9) and found the following issue when I try to subset a MArrayLM object. "f" is a MArrayLM object obtained using 'contrasts.fit...and &gt; class(f) [1] "MArrayLM" attr(,"package") [1] "limma" &gt; dim(f$contrasts) #lot of contrasts [1] 8 21 &gt; dim(f$coef) [1] 109…
updated 18.3 years ago • Ariel Chernomoretz
div class="preformatted">Dear Yiwen He, See Sections 8.4 and 8.7 of the limma User's Guide: http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/limma/inst /doc/usersguide.pdf I may be able...gt; To: "bioconductor at r-project.org" <bioconductor at="" r-project.org=""> &gt; Subject: [BioC] LIMMA: Help needed for limma analysis with a complex &gt; design. &gt; …
updated 12.2 years ago • Gordon Smyth
on data analysis of a set of microarray data exported from Codelink express 4.1. after reading the limma user guide, i still dunno how to read those data with limma, since i only have raw and normalized intensity data for each...is a single channel array (Cy5). i wonder if someone have experience in handling codelink data with limma could give me a hand. many thx! regards, bert </div
<div class="preformatted">Hello I have a questions about correlation of outcomes from Rosetta and Limma. I have done Agilent direct hyb's (one condition versus another). In Rosetta I have splitted ratios without common references and than have done two sample Ttest. In Limma I also splitted channels and than fitted linear model. I have posted design in previous BioC thread with subj "Design…
updated 19.1 years ago • Nataliya Yeremenko
I have a question on correctly modeling a situtation to find significantly differentiated genes with Limma. I have Affy arrays for pediatric patients collected before the patients were treated with a drug for 4 months. After...patients, I also wish to control for Sex and Age (continuous variable). I understand that with Limma I can model the following: Gene Expression = Age + Sex + Weight Gain …
updated 18.5 years ago • Katarzyna Bryc
div class="preformatted">Hello I am having some problems with limma again. specifically when using this for affy data. This works fine on my laptop and Linux computer but not on my colleagues...computer where I have tried to install this for him His setup is the current limma version 1.3.1 running on R1.8.1 and Windows XP. I get: &gt; contrast.matrix&lt;-makeContrasts(group2-group1, …
updated 20.9 years ago • Stephen Henderson
div class="preformatted">Hi, when I try to install limma, I get the error message below. Can someone please give me a hint - thanks, Ina installing *source* package ?limma? ... ** libs gcc -std...shared -o limma.so normexp.o -L/usr/lib64/R/lib -lR installing to /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/limma/libs ** R ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Error : unknown namespace directive: fun…
updated 11.6 years ago • Ina Hoeschele
for pre-processing and filtering, then i take a subset of the normalized group and run this through limma. I've noticed that if i select my subset differently, the topTable generated after limma differs. ie rather than select...subset order must be identical to that in the targets file? Or have I missed something in my current limma code (see below)? I believe I'm currently lacking a line which w…
updated 13.1 years ago • Kripa R
div class="preformatted">* From the authors webpage (http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/limma/), the limma package version is 1.8.22 dated 24 February 2005. * From the BioConductor (Release 1.5) webpage http://www.bioconductor.org...repository/release1.5/package/html/limma.h tml the limma package version is 1.8.6 dated 27 October 2004. Is the above discrepancy of nearly 4 months or 15 minor releases …
updated 19.9 years ago • Adaikalavan Ramasamy
gt; Dear Gordon and BioC users, &gt; &gt; I have recently updated R and BioC packages (R.2.3.0 and limma 2.7.9) &gt; and found the following issue &gt; when I try to subset a MArrayLM object. &gt; &gt; "f" is a MArrayLM object obtained...contrasts.fit' and &gt; &gt; &gt; class(f) &gt; [1] "MArrayLM" &gt; attr(,"package") &gt; [1] "limma" &gt; &…
updated 18.4 years ago • Gordon Smyth
<div class="preformatted">Hi Bioconductor folks, I have really been enjoying using the limma package, but I have just come across a problem. When I use the topTable-command, the slot "result$Probe.Set.ID" does not seem to match the other entries I am interested in, namely M, P, t. I am using R 1.8.0, limma 1.5.5 on Affymetrix ATH1-121501 chips. An example would be: Output of the topTable-…
updated 20.8 years ago • Julia Engelmann
div class="preformatted">I use Imagene 4.0 and Limma R package. My source file are into R directory ... and this is my R shell: &gt; library(limma) &gt; YourSample&lt;-read.table("TargetsSampleTarget.txt
updated 21.2 years ago • cv.vc
from Rosetta and Limma. &gt; I have done Agilent direct hyb's (one condition versus another). &gt; In Rosetta I have splitted ratios without common...a two-sample t-test using single channel log-ratios. This is a very poor method, so I'm glad that limma doesn't give exactly the same results. Why do you find it surprising that different methods of analysis give somewhat...it a surprise t…
updated 19.1 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted"> Hi, I'm currently using LIMMA to analyze two groups, wt vs treatment group. LIMMA says gene A is significantly different between the two groups, p=10E...9.8, 7 if I do &gt;t.test(wt, treatment) I don't get a p-value as low as what is observed in the limma top table. Why would this happen? Thanks for the help, -Kripa [[alternative HTML version deleted]]…
updated 12.6 years ago • Kripa R
Hello: Apart from the original paper that introduced limma-voom, are there any studies that use real data and show that limma-voom works better than limma-trend? Regards, Nik Tuzov
updated 8.1 years ago • Nik Tuzov
a block so that I can not download packages into R from CRAN. I want to download the package "limma". I have downloaded and unzipped the limma zip file onto my desktop. How do i install limma from my desktop into R ? Do I use...command ? Please can someone tell me what to next to the prompt in R to enable me to install the limma package from my desktop. Thank you Michael. </div
updated 18.9 years ago • Michael Stapelberg
<div class="preformatted">There's been a name change for the function in the statmod package. You get this warning because you have re-installed the statmod package since Oct 20 but don't yet have the corresponding limma version update. Try limma again today (from CRAN). Gordon &gt; Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 23:08:05 -0400 &gt; From: Naomi Altman <naomi at="" stat.psu.edu=""> …
updated 19.2 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Hi, I just have a quick question. I have been using limma to create toptables looking at differences betwen 6 groups. When I look at the results of the toptables I assumed that...software but the FC was the opposite way around. I have given an example below: group1 - group2 in limma gene X = +, Y=+ and Z=- in MEV gene X= - , Y= - and Z=+ Similar genes are detected …
updated 14.6 years ago • Taylor, Katie
the same way? &gt; &gt;For LimmaGUI, I use the latest (July 2005), version 1.3.9 (which uses &gt;limma 2.0.2) on R 2.1.1 &gt;Limma, I am using version 2.2.0 with R 2.2.0 (both latest) limma 2.2.0 was the version of limma at the time...of last Bioconductor release, but it is not the latest version of limma. Actually limma 2.4.13 is available for R 2.2.0. Please read Section 2.2 (I…
updated 18.7 years ago • Gordon Smyth
div class="preformatted">Hello, I generated a topTable using limma package for illumine microarray data analysis. Next I want to draw a heatmap based on the output of limma. Could anyone
updated 11.5 years ago • Rao,Xiayu
div class="preformatted">Hello, everybody, I'm doing some affy microarray analysis using limma, and I'm not a statistician. I was told that I need to check if the model fits the data before get the significant gene lists...So how should I do it in limma? And is it really necessary? If not, why? Thanks a lot! Bin</div
div class="preformatted">Hello, My question is whether the package limma allows you to run random effect models for each gene through the lmFit function. I ran 6800 random effects models from...I don?t know how to get the adjusted the p-values because these models were ran in SAS and limma accept only lmFit object. Thanks for your help. Hocine Tighiouart Biostatistics Research Center Instit…
updated 18.4 years ago • Hocine Tighiouart
<div class="preformatted">Hi, I am using the limma package for an analysis of differential expression and have a question about how the t-test in limma works. To my understanding a difference between the usuall t-test and the one used in limma is that the standard error in limma is calculated by using a linear method based on a Bayesian model (I don't really get how it works ). In the use…
updated 12.3 years ago • Jorge Miró
div class="preformatted">Dermot, The limma users guide has really been expanded over the years and contains an excellent example of just what you need. In R, do: library...limma) limmaUsersGuide() then go to page 45 of the guide and read the whole section. I use the treatment-contrast parameterization...a message you posed in the Bioconductor archives &gt; requesting info on 2 x2 factor…
updated 17.4 years ago • Mark W Kimpel
<div class="preformatted">Dear all, I recently encountered a problem subsetting limma TestResults on a new Bioconductor install. If I do &gt; results&lt;-decideTests(fit3,adjust="holm") &gt; results[results&lt;0...div class="preformatted">Dear all, I recently encountered a problem subsetting limma TestResults on a new Bioconductor install. If I do &gt; results&…
updated 18.6 years ago • Michael Strehle
div class="preformatted">Just ANOTHER limma contrast matrix question: I am trying to compute some contrasts of interest and have three factors: Treatment (Hypoxic...Kidney versus liver? And the effect of the KO as compared to WT in liver? I have looked at the limma guide and thought I had the idea, but this is slightly more complicated than the limma example given. Thanks, Sean </div
updated 18.6 years ago • Sean Davis
div class="preformatted"> From what I can tell, the way to process Nimblegen data is use limma. The latter does not read Nimblegen ".pair" files, so you sort of glue together your own limma-friendly data structures and...then let limma take over. Is that about it? Thanks, Tom </div
updated 15.5 years ago • Thomas Hampton
div class="preformatted">Dear members, Is there any documentation on statistics used in limma package? How should limma be cited in a publication. Thanks Sohail Khan Scientific Programmer COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY
updated 19.8 years ago • Khan, Sohail
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