coverage() output SimpleRleList cannot be converted to GRanges
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Last seen 5.7 years ago

Converting the SimpleRleList object to GRanges now does not work. Please advise the quickest fix. It probably has something to do with the seqlengths of the objects and the incompatibility between the new IRanges and GenomicRanges packages.

> > segs
GRanges object with 1794 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
         seqnames                 ranges strand |        cn
            <Rle>              <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>  <numeric>
     [1]        1   [       1,  6525379]      + |         2          1
     [2]        1   [ 8734021,  9010795]      + |         2          1
     [3]        1   [20098398, 23389898]      + |         1          1
     [4]        1   [48284513, 51848768]      + |         0          0
     [5]        1   [53472006, 58599187]      + |         1          1
     ...      ...                    ...    ... .       ...        ...
  [1790]        X [115632002, 118016061]      - |         1          1
  [1791]        X [ 75464885, 100132592]      + |         1          1
  [1792]        X [118016062, 152851944]      - |         2          2
  [1793]        X [ 57391044, 118016061]      - |         1          1
  [1794]        X [ 57388373, 100132592]      + |         1          1    degree     loose  terminal
         <numeric> <numeric> <logical> <numeric> <logical>
     [1]         0         1         0         1         1
     [2]         1         2         0       468         0
     [3]         1         2         0       543         0
     [4]         0         0         0       554         1
     [5]         1         2         0       565         0
     ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [1790]         1         2         0       406         0
  [1791]         1         2         0       405         0
  [1792]         2         4         0       403         0
  [1793]         1         2         0       408         0
  [1794]         1         2         0       407         0
  seqinfo: 85 sequences from an unspecified genome
> cov = coverage(segs, weight="cn")
> cov
RleList of length 85
numeric-Rle of length 249250621 with 85 runs
  Lengths:  6525379    43913     1389      107 ...  4478240     1542  2487237
  Values :        8        4        6        8 ...       12       10       12

numeric-Rle of length 243199373 with 60 runs
  Lengths: 24802397   115824 13134558  2411221 ...  8163708     4837 54777767
  Values :        6        8        6        8 ...        6        4        6

numeric-Rle of length 198022430 with 42 runs
  Lengths:  9349592    97052   271629   406624 ...  1285769       53  2771101
  Values :        6       10        6       12 ...       12       10       12

numeric-Rle of length 191154276 with 41 runs
  Lengths:  7327180     9290  6165343      459 ...   144997        1   469875
  Values :        6        0        6        4 ...        6        8        4

numeric-Rle of length 180915260 with 27 runs
  Lengths: 11509549 12258500     1738  6693852 ...    54399        1   484858
  Values :       14       12       10       12 ...        4       16       10

<80 more elements>
> as(cov, "GRanges")
Error in .normargSeqlengths(value, seqnames(x)) : 
  length of supplied 'seqlengths' must equal the number of sequences

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit   

1: as(cov, "GRanges")
2: asMethod(object)
3: `seqlengths<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c(249250621, 243199373, 198022430, 19115427
4: `seqlengths<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c(249250621, 243199373, 198022430, 19115427
5: `seqlengths<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c(249250621, 243199373, 198022430, 19115427
6: `seqlengths<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c(249250621, 243199373, 198022430, 19115427
7: .normargSeqlengths(value, seqnames(x))

Selection: 0
> class(cov)
[1] "SimpleRleList"
[1] "IRanges"
> seqlengths(segs)
         1          2          3          4          5          6          7 
 249250621  243199373  198022430  191154276  180915260  171115067  159138663 
         X          8          9         10         11         12         13 
 155270560  146364022  141213431  135534747  135006516  133851895  115169878 
        14         15         16         17         18         20          Y 
 107349540  102531392   90354753   81195210   78077248   63025520   59373566 
        19         22         21          M GL000195.1 GL000220.1 GL000192.1 
  59128983   51304566   48129895      16571         NA         NA         NA 
GL000225.1 GL000194.1 GL000193.1 GL000200.1 GL000222.1 GL000212.1 GL000223.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000224.1 GL000219.1 GL000205.1 GL000215.1 GL000216.1 GL000217.1 GL000199.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000211.1 GL000213.1 GL000218.1 GL000209.1 GL000221.1 GL000214.1 GL000228.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000227.1 GL000191.1 GL000208.1 GL000198.1 GL000204.1 GL000233.1 GL000237.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000230.1 GL000242.1 GL000243.1 GL000241.1 GL000236.1 GL000240.1 GL000206.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000232.1 GL000234.1 GL000202.1 GL000238.1 GL000244.1 GL000248.1 GL000196.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000249.1 GL000246.1 GL000203.1 GL000197.1 GL000245.1 GL000247.1 GL000201.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000235.1 GL000239.1 GL000210.1 GL000231.1 GL000229.1         MT GL000226.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
> seqlengths(cov)
         1          2          3          4          5          6          7 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
         X          8          9         10         11         12         13 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
        14         15         16         17         18         20          Y 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
        19         22         21          M GL000195.1 GL000220.1 GL000192.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000225.1 GL000194.1 GL000193.1 GL000200.1 GL000222.1 GL000212.1 GL000223.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000224.1 GL000219.1 GL000205.1 GL000215.1 GL000216.1 GL000217.1 GL000199.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000211.1 GL000213.1 GL000218.1 GL000209.1 GL000221.1 GL000214.1 GL000228.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000227.1 GL000191.1 GL000208.1 GL000198.1 GL000204.1 GL000233.1 GL000237.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000230.1 GL000242.1 GL000243.1 GL000241.1 GL000236.1 GL000240.1 GL000206.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000232.1 GL000234.1 GL000202.1 GL000238.1 GL000244.1 GL000248.1 GL000196.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000249.1 GL000246.1 GL000203.1 GL000197.1 GL000245.1 GL000247.1 GL000201.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
GL000235.1 GL000239.1 GL000210.1 GL000231.1 GL000229.1         MT GL000226.1 
        NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA 
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /nfs/sw/R/R-3.4.1/lib64/R/lib/
LAPACK: /nfs/sw/R/R-3.4.1/lib64/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] gGnome_0.1           RColorBrewer_1.1-2   rtracklayer_1.38.3  
 [4] gUtils_0.2.0         data.table_1.10.4-3  GenomicRanges_1.30.1
 [7] GenomeInfoDb_1.14.0  IRanges_2.12.0       S4Vectors_0.16.0    
[10] BiocGenerics_0.24.0  testthat_2.0.0       devtools_1.13.4     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.15               lattice_0.20-35           
 [3] Rsamtools_1.30.0           Biostrings_2.46.0         
 [5] rprojroot_1.3-2            assertthat_0.2.0          
 [7] digest_0.6.15              slam_0.1-42               
 [9] R6_2.2.2                   backports_1.1.2           
[11] RSQLite_2.0                BiocInstaller_1.28.0      
[13] httr_1.3.1                 pillar_1.1.0              
[15] zlibbioc_1.24.0            rlang_0.1.6               
[17] GenomicFeatures_1.28.5     curl_3.1                  
[19] blob_1.1.0                 Matrix_1.2-12             
[21] desc_1.1.1                 BiocParallel_1.12.0       
[23] stringr_1.2.0              gTrack_0.1.0              
[25] igraph_1.1.2               RCurl_1.95-4.8            
[27] bit_1.1-12                 biomaRt_2.32.1            
[29] DelayedArray_0.4.1         compiler_3.4.1            
[31] pkgconfig_2.0.1            Rcplex_0.3-3              
[33] SummarizedExperiment_1.8.1 tibble_1.4.2              
[35] GenomeInfoDbData_1.0.0     roxygen2_6.0.1            
[37] matrixStats_0.53.1         XML_3.98-1.9              
[39] crayon_1.3.4               withr_2.1.1               
[41] GenomicAlignments_1.14.1   bitops_1.0-6              
[43] commonmark_1.4             grid_3.4.1                
[45] jsonlite_1.5               DBI_0.7                   
[47] git2r_0.21.0               magrittr_1.5              
[49] cli_1.0.0                  stringi_1.1.6             
[51] XVector_0.18.0             xml2_1.1.1                
[53] tools_3.4.1                bit64_0.9-7               
[55] BSgenome_1.44.2            Biobase_2.38.0            
[57] AnnotationDbi_1.40.0       memoise_1.1.0             
[59] VariantAnnotation_1.24.5 
bug genomicranges granges rlelist coverage • 2.2k views
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Last seen 1 day ago
Seattle, WA, United States

Hi Xiaotong,

Thanks for reporting this.

Not sure what "incompatibility between the new IRanges and GenomicRanges packages" you are talking about.

To me, it looks like this happens when some list elements in the RleList object representing the coverage have length 0:

cov0 <- RleList(chr1=Rle(11:15), chr2=Rle(integer()))
# RleList of length 2
# $chr1
# integer-Rle of length 5 with 5 runs
#   Lengths:  1  1  1  1  1
#   Values : 11 12 13 14 15
# $chr2
# integer-Rle of length 0 with 0 runs
#   Lengths: 
#   Values : 

as(cov0, "GRanges")
# Error in .normargSeqlengths(value, seqnames(x)) : 
#   length of supplied 'seqlengths' must equal the number of sequences

Getting an RleList object with zero-length list elements in turn happens when some underlying sequences in the original GRanges object don't receive any coverage AND have their length set to NA (or 0, but that would be very unusual).

This should be fixed in GenomicRanges 1.30.2 (, which should become available via biocLite() in the next 48 hours.



Entering edit mode

Awesome, thanks!

The "incompatibility between the new IRanges and GenomicRanges packages" was refering to the recent changes in both packages like the default `maxgap=-1` argument in `findOverlaps` and the suggested switch from `ranges` to `overlapRanges` method on `Hits` objects. I later read through the NEWS for 1.30.1 and see you guys have already resolved it. So no problem there since then.


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