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Guest User
Last seen 10.5 years ago
When I use GOFunction package to analyse my data with 94 interestGenes
and 265 refGenes, it report an error:`[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`,
sigTerm[, 1] %in% noRelationTerm, 7, :
replacement has 1 rows, data has 0
and a warining about in max(i)...
I look into the function, find the sigTerm has nothing:
> sigTerm
[1] goid name refnum interestnum pvalue
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
I use the exampledata to do it again, it runs OK. But I select part of
genes in the interestGenes such as x <- interestGenes[1:2225] then use
x as interestGenes to run
sigTerm <- GOFunction(x, refGenes, ontology="BP", filename="SigTerm"),
it runs OK. The output file sigTerm.bmp has 3908KB while nothing in
I run x <- interestGenes[1:2228] and sigTerm <- GOFunction(x,
refGenes, ontology="BP", filename="SigTerm") it also report errors
like the above for another reason. I am confused why it is only
perfect when use the exampledata while others are not. Can you figure
out the error and help me to solve the problem?
-- output of sessionInfo():
Finding statistically significant terms...
Treating for local redundant terms...
?????????`[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, sigTerm[, 1] %in% noRelationTerm,
7, :
replacement has 1 rows, data has 0
??????: ???????????????
In max(i) : max???????????????????????????????????????-Inf
Finding statistically significant terms...
Treating for local redundant terms...
?????????if (pc > pcth) sigTerm[sigTerm[, 1] %in% activeChild, 8] <-
sigTerm[sigTerm[, :
??????: ???????????????
In phyper(length(allcsiggenes) - 1, length(sgenes), length(genes) - :
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