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Dear Bioc Community,
for some functionality issues, i would like to install an older specific version from an R package that is "hosted" on the Bioconductor repository. If i remove the current version, is this possible via biocLite() and using the specific version i would like to install, or a different approach is recommended ??
find the version of R for which the version of the bioc package you are interested in was released. install that version of R. using that version of R, and ensuring that .libPaths() does not point to any incompatible libraries, use biocLite() (perhaps after source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") to obtain the desired package and any dependencies.
Dear Vincent J.Carey,
well this sounds a bit complicated---for the reason I have already the laterst R version. Because i have no much experience for this specific case, there is no way to do this with the latest R version ?? In order to avoid re-installing other R versions and mess things up ??
Maybe it is better to say what functionality you would like to use; perhaps it is still available through a different function?
Dear Martin,
please excuse me for my quick description, but i would like to use a specific R package for co-regulation network inference(CoRegNet), which is unique for its purpose. But i assume as Vincent mentions, to go to a previous R version package also needs previous R version...
But CoRegNet is available in the current release?
My initial goal was to use the CoRegNet R version 1.4.0 (not the 1.6.0), but i assumed that is not available with my current 3.2.2 R version
Only the DESCRIPTION and CITATION files, not the R code, differ, as shown by the following linux command on the source code for each package.
Thus based on your above comment(because im using windows), can i somehow install the older version with the latest R ?
Installing the earlier version wouldn't make a difference, you'd get the same code!
Yes i was going to correct my answer, at first i misunderstood your comment !! Thank you for your feedback !!