I have mice microarray time course data. The study design as follows, mice were treated with two different kinds of drugs "a" and "b" for three time points day1, 2, 3, day0 is used as control for both the groups. Further we extracted the RNA from liver and performed microarray. Next we wanted to do WGCNA analysis. Since we are interested to check the correlation of genes with traits I have created categorical trait but not sure whether it is a right way of doing it or no. So kindly help me with this. I have attached the trait file please have a look.
I want to correlate the conditions with genes is it possible? My question is can I use it as a trait file???
Thank you for the inputs. Actually we started with 3 samples per group, but some samples had issues at RNA level so had to consider only these samples. But do you think using the current sample no are not good enough to do intramodular analysis? o I should draw trait -module relationship and then look for hub gene for the modules which are significantly correlating with traits.
I have two modules which are significantly positively correlated with treatment "a" day1 and day2 (obtained from module-trait relationship plot). Since you mentioned my samples numbers are very low i tried to merge both day1 and day2 of treatment "a" and then did intramodular analysis.
please help me here.
Hello Peter,
I have a similar problem. I have 1 group of control, 4 groups of treatment (treated for 1, 2, 4, and 8 days). Each treatment/control has 3 replicates.
If coding control as 0, and all treatment as 1, it might miss some information from treatment as they were treated for different days.
I am wondering if I can code control as 0, treated for 1 days as 2, 2 days as 3, 4 days as 4, 8 days as 6. Is it too arbitrary?
Thank you
It depends on what question you want to ask. Do you want to see modules that relate to each treatment group vs. controls? Then create one variable for each treatment group. Call the variables groupVar1, groupVar2, groupVar4, groupVar8. Define the groupVar1 [2,4,8] variable to be 1 if the sample is treated in day 1 [2,4,8], 0 if it is a control, and NA otherwise. Then relate each variable to module eigengenes as a separate trait.
Your numeric coding makes sense if you want to look for genes that closely follow the (0, 2, 3, 4, 6) pattern. You would miss genes that follow certain patterns of change in the middle days (1,2,4) and then go back to their original expression on day 8.