I am analysing some microarray data. For a set of participants, I have their RNA expression before an intervention ("Baseline") and after the intervention ("Followup"). I want to know which genes are differentially expressed between the two timepoints. For this, I am using a moderated paired t-test, as outlined in the Limma user guide:
Time <- factor(y$targets$Time,levels = c("Baseline","Followup"))
Participant <- factor(y$targets$Participant)
design <- model.matrix(~Participant+Time)
fit <- lmFit(y,design)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
Next, I would like to see if adjusting for other factors affects the differential expressions of genes. I have other information about the participants in y$targets, including age, sex, etc. How can I modify my model.matrix to adjust for these factors? E.g., if there was a gene which was differentially expressed in men but not women, how would I know? Or, if there was a linear relationship between age and differential expression of a gene?
Let me know if any more info is needed, really appreciate any help!