Hi Leonardo,
I thank you about your guidances. But i still have problematic through import BigWig file or any Project as project = 'SRP009615'.
Despite that i check the version of "rtracelayer" that is (1.34.2 for bioc-release), furthermore i have been tried to apply all commands which is (bioc-devel mailing list "https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2016-May/009336.html, ")
like the following
1- x <- import.bw('http://duffel.rail.bio/recount/DRP000366/bw/DRR000897.bw', |
+ as = 'RleList'
2- url <- unshorten_url('http://duffel.rail.bio/recount/DRP000366/bw/DRR000897.bw')
3- url_http <- 'http://content-na.drive.amazonaws.com/cdproxy/templink/i_aQAPZJkJ9d9lN1NO5DJJtlbpvAdgbNuc1SkqSTHFouFiZq5'
4-bw <- BigWigFile(url)
5- x <- import.bw(url, as = 'RleList') ; x <- import.bw(bw, as = 'RleList')
6- download.file('http://duffel.rail.bio/recount/DRP000366/bw/DRR000897.bw,
+ destfile = 'DRR000897.bw', method = 'curl', extra = '-L')
HERE it told me i don't have 'curl'
that processed the same my case but until this moment i couldn't to fix that problem which said me
[[[2017-02-28 16:59:34 loadCoverage: loading BigWig file http://duffel.rail.bio/recount/SRP009615/bw/mean_SRP009615.bw
Too many pushAbortHandlers, can only handle 11
Show Traceback
Error in seqinfo(con) : UCSC library operation failed]]]
i will be very thankful to guide me what is the optimal solution concerning this problem.
Hi Mustafa,
Can you add the full session information output please?
Hi Mustafa,
I can't reproduce your problem with recount 1.0.12 and rtracklayer 1.34.2. The thing that comes to mind from the bioc-devel mailing list thread you linked to is the openssl. In any case, please post the full session information.
## Un-evaluated code
## Evaluated code
Hi Mustafa,
I saw that you posted the session information as a new question at my session information regarding " Error through importing (project = 'SRP009615') or even to download any BigWig File". In the future, please use the "add reply" button on the original thread. Otherwise it makes it hard for anyone else in the future to follow the set question, replies and comments to understand the solution to the problem if they encounter the same error you reported.
I know that the character limit is a bit annoying, but you can add long output like the session information in a gist https://gist.github.com/ and then post the gist link in the reply (using "text" formatting). If you do so, the website will automatically show the contents of your gist, just like it did with mine in my previous reply.
As for the actual error, your first screenshot shows a different error (or part of it, I can't see it all). I think that the error is related to the openssl system dependency in rtracklayer. I'll ask about it in bioc-devel and will get back to you.
Please add in a reply your openssl and pkg-util versions by running in your terminal (not the R one, but the unix one):
Here is the output in two machines I have access to:
Hi Leonardo,
This is my configuration for openssl.
root@Dell-CG1XF82:~# openssl version OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 root@Dell-CG1XF82:~# pkg-config --version 0.29.1 root@Dell-CG1XF82:~#
<script src="<a href=" elqumsan="" a03e5f207774abca772b6bec2138a604"="">elqumsan/a03e5f207774abca772b6bec2138a604"></script>
Hi Leonardo,
unlimited thanks for yours instruction to put my session information here, Because of it have a bit annoying limit.
Hi Mustafa,
If you go to your browser and enter http://duffel.rail.bio/recount/DRP000366/bw/DRR000897.bw, can you download the bigwig file to your computer? Maybe the server with the bigwig files is blocking your access. It's just a thought.
Also, what happens if you type in R the following code?
Hi Leonardo,
I really appreciated your efforts in order to i finally arrived to the good solution. but when i run your last code which is
Thanks a lot Leonardo.
Hi Leonardo,
I tried to download that specified file which is you tell me to download it from the link
But also when i attempt read that file locally from my computer i faced furthermore it another error message which is
i getting this another error message
now i frustrating and i don't know what and how i would continuing with "recount' whereas i need to continue to conduct my project which is new and followed stage to your great work .
Thank you so much Leonardo.
Yeah, that's not going to work. You are passing a path to a bigwig file to the "project" argument in expressed_regions(). Please check the help page of expressed_regions() and in particular check the "outdir" argument. You already had an issue of being frustrated by not following instructions and having a mix of Bioc 3.3 and 3.4 (current release) packages, which we discussed via email. Your last comment is basically a new question, so in the future please post it as one. Imagine that a new user is running into the specific problem from your last comment. If they started reading this thread they wouldn't see how it's related to their problem, unless they read everything.
Ok, so your IP is not blocked since you can download the bigwig files. recount is coded so that it can use files already downloaded following a specific file structure. I recommend using the function download_study(), which will create the particular file structure needed. Otherwise, you have to manually mimic the portion DRP000366/bw/DRR000897.bw of http://duffel.rail.bio/recount/DRP000366/bw/DRR000897.bw.
Hi Mustafa,
recount versions 1.0.15 and 1.1.22 now provide a more informative error in case that the 'project' argument is invalid. Details at https://github.com/leekgroup/recount/commit/ab9ca78a7ddc44247f5fbc7101b6dbdc039485ce and https://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/recount/commit/9227ec760258eb61f57a91d7c099b7c15c942247.