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Last seen 4.4 years ago
I have done my RNA-seq analysis, I'm new about R and I am trying to have a heatmap with all the differential expressed genes. With some tutorials and cummeRbund I can create the heatmap for the gene's isoforms (here the code I used, for example)
> myGeneIds<- c("IL8","RELB","TNF") > myGenes <- getGenes(cuff_data,myGeneIds) Getting gene information: FPKM Differential Expression Data Annotation Data Replicate FPKMs Counts Getting isoforms information: FPKM Differential Expression Data Annotation Data Replicate FPKMs Counts Getting CDS information: FPKM Differential Expression Data Annotation Data Replicate FPKMs Counts Getting TSS information: FPKM Differential Expression Data Annotation Data Replicate FPKMs Counts Getting promoter information: distData Getting splicing information: distData Getting relCDS information: distData Warning messages: 1: Closing open result set, pending rows 2: Closing open result set, pending rows > h<-csHeatmap(isoforms(myGenes),cluster="row") Using tracking_id, sample_name as id variables No id variables; using all as measure variables > h
The problem is: I don't want plot ALL the gene's isoforms, but only specific isoforms, for example for IL8 only transcript_id NM_0000001, for TNF only NM_0000002...
is it possible?