Here's a few notes from the birds of a feather session at the Bioconductor Developer Day 2017-07-26
Writing papers in Rmarkdown, BiocStyle... (and books, posters)
Multi-panel figures
CRAN package multipanelfigure
knitr: kable (ideally if you then also define your own CSS); xtable
interactive tables: DT CRAN package, an interface to JavaScript DT
see example in glimma
Titles and captions? pass to kable, and use HTML-style
tables package
ComplexHeatmaps, pheatmap
Venn diagrams
Caching expensive computations or downloads
knitr ‘cache’ option for chunks
Color palettes for figures
Rcolorbrewer; ggplot2 defaults; viridis, ggthemes, wesanderson, cardigans, dill/beyonce (github)
Convert from markdown to word: pandoc
Bibliography styles for various journals:
rticles package: by RStudio, and for their types of journals; community input for more styles? (should we care about proliferation of arcane citation ‘standards’?)
Authoring tutorials
learnr package by J.J.
Posters drposter
Books: bookdown
Infinite scrolling, e.g. for reading on tablets
Track changes functionality?
For non-technical collaborators:
How to annotate comments in the rendered PDF or HTML file and feed them back into the source: github? There is a (are) JavaScript library(ies) that can annotate rendered HTML pages
How to make changes on the rendered HTML and then feed them back?
Regarding tables for markdown (and other): I'm using the
package (with thepandoc.table
function), which supports also captions/titles.