Hi all,
I have a quite novice question:
I am aware that ENSEMBL has recently release a new version (ENSEMBL 91). Since then I have been having trouble reproducing my results from the GO analysis (using topGO package). Potentially, this could be due to me upgrading Bioconductor as well (but I think it is less likely).
I am attaching here the 2 sets of results (original and new). For the new results, I even try to use the archived version of ENSEMBL. However, somehow the results are still not the same.
For example, for the annotated column, the term "mRNA catabolic process" has 218 terms in the original but it has 313 terms in the new result ??? This must be due to ENSEMBL database because they both have the same input data files.
Anyone has any advice/suggestion?
bm <- useMart("ensembl", host = "http://aug2017.archive.ensembl.org",
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
EG2GO <- getBM(mart=bm,
EG2GO <- EG2GO[EG2GO$go_id != '',]
name2GO <- by(EG2GO$go_id,EG2GO$external_gene_name,function(x)
genelist<-factor(as.integer(geneuniverse %in% geneofinterest))
godata<-new("topGOdata", description = "Significant_Genes_L0norm",
allGenes = genelist, ontology="BP", nodeSize = 10, annot =
annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = name2GO)
I am just having the same issue: can't do run my old code. no dataset can be found or loaded. Hope anyone can help