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Dear all
The new Ensembl marts for release 98 are now live on www.ensembl.org. If you are using biomaRt, you can change your host to access our most recent data:
ensemblmart98 <- useEnsembl(biomart=“ensembl")
Important: Please note that we had to rename some species to accommodate new species name format. Please find the full list below or on our FTP site, for vertebrates: http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-98/release98biomartchanges.txt and for non-vertebrates: ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/release-45/release98biomartchanges.txt
For Vertebrates:
old BiomaRt species name New BiomaRt species name
aplatyrhynchos applatyrhynchos
bbison bbbison
cdingo cldingo
cpicr cgpicr
ldomestica lsdomestica
ccrigri cgcrigri
easinus eaasinus
cbellii cpbellii
hmale hgmale
cchok1gshd cgchok1gshd
ohsok olhsok
ohni olhni
pbairdii pmbairdii
mfuro mpfuro
paltaica ptaltaica
mmarmota mmmarmota
cpalliatus capalliatus
hfemale hgfemale
sdorsalis sldorsalis
sboliviensis sbboliviensis
susmarc ssusmarc
old BiomaRt species name New BiomaRt species name
phal2 phhal2
pfil2 phfil2