The Bioconductor Team is continuing to identify packages that will be deprecated in the next release to allow for the Bioconductor community to respond accordingly.
The final list for this release is as follows:
Maintainer requested deprecation:
- SNPchip
- GenomeGraphs
- HTSanalyzeR
- Rchemcpp
- charm
- Pbase
Experiment Data Package:
- charmData
Unresponsive/not-maintained packages:
- dSimer
- flipflop
- exomePeak
- CNPBayes
- brainImageR
- plateCore
- condcomp
- PathNet
- scone
- birte
- mlm4omics
- RnaSeqSampleSize
Experiment Data Package:
- facopy.annot
- allenpvc
Renaming The package CAMTHC is marked for deprecation. This package has been renamed to debCAM
The following Annotation Packages have been user requested deprecated:
- MafDb.gnomADex.r2.0.1.GRCh38
- MafDb.gnomAD.r2.0.1.GRCh38
- MafDb.gnomADex.r2.0.1.hs37d5
- MafDb.gnomAD.r2.0.1.hs37d5
They are replaced with
- MafDb.gnomADex.r2.1.GRCh38
- MafDb.gnomAD.r2.1.GRCh38
- MafDb.gnomADex.r2.1.hs37d5
- MafDb.gnomAD.r2.1.hs37d5
The Bioconductor team will continue to send emails out to packages that have been broken across all platforms for an extended period of time as those are packages that are up for immediate deprecation if not corrected in a timely fashion. Packages that are ERRORing and not fixed before the October 30th 3.10 release will immediately be marked as deprecated in devel 3.11.
Thank you