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Dario Greco
Last seen 10.3 years ago
after running globaltest() on KEGG and GO, i try to get geneplot() but
i get
> geneplot(gt.kegg, "00860")
Error in gt[geneset] : no 'dimnames' attribute for array
> geneplot(gt.go, "GO:0008104")
Error in gt[geneset] : no 'dimnames' attribute for array
> geneplot(gt.kegg["00860"])
Error in gt.kegg["00860"] : no 'dimnames' attribute for array
> geneplot(gt.go["GO:0008104"])
Error in gt.go["GO:0008104"] : no 'dimnames' attribute for array
I am working with R 2.3.0 and globaltest 4.2.0
any suggestion? what are these errors exactly?
thanks in advance for your help.
Dario Greco
Institute of Biotechnology - University of Helsinki
Building Cultivator II
P.O.Box 56 Viikinkaari 4
FIN-00014 Finland
Office: +358 9 191 58951
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