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Alicia R. Pérez-Porro
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear community,
I am using DESeq2 to perform my differential expression analyses. My
question is, I think, very simple. To interprete the results if I
> mcols(res, use.names=TRUE) ##To know the level of conditions
DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
type description
<character> <character>
baseMean intermediate the base mean over all rows
log2FoldChange results log2 fold change (MAP): condition SP vs EB
lfcSE results standard error: condition SP vs EB
stat results Wald statistic: condition SP vs EB
pvalue results Wald test p-value: condition SP vs EB
padj results BH adjusted p-values
By exporting my up-regulated genes doing:
write.table(as.data.frame(resSig[ order( -resSig$log2FoldChange,
-resSig$baseMean ),]),
Are my genes up-regulated in the EB condition? or in the SP condition?
Thanks for your time.
Alicia R. Pérez-Porro
PhD candidate
Giribet lab
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
MCZ labs
Harvard University
26 Oxford St, Cambridge MA 02138
phone: +1 617-496-5308
fax: +1 617-495-5667
Department of Marine Ecology
Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC)
C/Accés Cala St. Francesc 14
17300 Blanes, Girona, SPAIN
phone: +34 972 336 101
fax: +34 972 337 806
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