Dear all,
I made some functionality updates to my package metaseqR which use and depend on the package RMySQL. The lateset check results indicate check errors in Windows and Mac OS X Mavericks. I know that RMySQL is a CRAN package for which currently, there are no devel binaries for the respective operating systems. My question is whether there is some planned Bioconductor support for the respective package or I should wait for the binaries to be released and thus in the meanwhile, the package check on Bioconductor will fail. Do you advise that I should work on a work-around solution in case the RMySQL binaries are not ready for the next Bioconductor release?
Any reason in particular that forces you to use RMySQL? I have been using RSQLite for my package, rTRM, and other Bioconductor packages use it (e.g. AnnotationDbi) without any platform support problems.
Hi, yes, actually the package under circumstances connects to the UCSC Genome Browser database, over the web. I am not sure if this can be achieved with RSQLite.
I see. Then maybe you are stuck with RMySQL. But move this conversation to bioc-devel as suggested by Herve- there others may offer some alternatives.