Hi everyone! I'm having a problem with package kinship2 to conduct a pedigree analysis, and I found nothing about it on google. I get this error trying to run this command:
ped2 <- with(pedigree(id, momid, dadid, sex))
Error in pedigree(id, momid, dadid, sex) : object 'id' not found
This is how my ped file look like:
famid id dadid momid sex pheno
EPBL-0001 0200356041 0200356061 0200356051 2 0
EPBL-0001 0200356051 0 0 2 0
EPBL-0001 0200356061 0 0 1 0
EPBL-0004 0200356071 0200356091 0200356081 2 0
EPBL-0004 0200356081 0 0 2 0
EPBL-0004 0200356091 0 0 1 0
Prior to this I run:
pedall <- pedigree(id= multisample_headers$id, dadid = multisample_headers$dadid, momid = multisample_headers$momid, sex= multisample_headers$sex, famid = multisample_headers$famid)
And it works telling me that the pedigree list contain 83 subjects in 28 families.
What's the problem with the id? Thank you in advance.