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Priscila Grynberg
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear BioCs,
I recently moved to a MacBook, and tried to run my usual microarray
scritps (which works perfectly at my old PC), but without success.
1) RG <- read.maimages(targets$FileName, columns = list(Rf = "F2
Mean", Gf
= "F1 Mean", Rb = "B2 Median", Gb = "B1 Median"),
annotation = c("Block", "Row", "Column", "ID", "Name"), wt.fun=f)
Error in grep(protectMetachar(allcnames[i]), text.to.search) :
invalid regular expression in this local
2) RG$genes <- readGAL ("name_of_the_file.gal")
object of the type 'closure' not possible to divide in substes
Any ideas? What am I missing?
Priscila Grynberg, D.Sc.- Bioinformatics
Laboratório de Genética Bioquímica
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Tel: +55 31 3409-2628
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8808643075395963
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