I went through the whole workflow and I would like to print tables with the data in results and fcf objects. How can I do that?
One table could include sample wise information with zscores, p-values, counts and the other with the differences between conditions. I have 2 reps for each of the 3 conditions.
Ideally, I would like to see the peaks/interactions with chr and coordinates (chr, start, end).
Is there an easy way to add the closest or overlapped feature in the genome? using TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene?
As far I understand this method only looks at interactions within the same chromosome (no trans interactions) right?
I am not an expert on R as you noticed.
Thank you very much for your time and help,
Hi Felix,
I was wondering when running results <- getAllResults(fcf) is there an option to also export the genomic location for each test as one of the columns?
Hi Felix,
Sorry for the delayed reply --
What I meant was that when I used getAllResults, the output I am getting is a data frame or table whose first 6 columns are these:
"baseMean" "log2FoldChange_ctrl_essrb_kd" "lfcSE_ctrl_essrb_kd" "stat_ctrl_essrb_kd" "pvalue_ctrl_essrb_kd" "padj_ctrl_essrb_kd"
It tells me the log fold change and the statistics, but since there is no genomic location, I don't know which interactions corresponds to where relative to bait.
Hello Fides,
this is straight forward, since results has the same dimensions as the FourCSeq object. So you can get the genomic coordinates with `rowRanges(fcf)` from there and join it to the results.
combinedData <- cbind(as.data.frame(rowRanges(fcf)), results)
Best regards,
Great - thank you!