Entering edit mode
Anat Caspi
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I've read responses to several inquiries regarding the error message
which I've
been getting when creating new objects in the BioC package ever since
I updated
to the most recent version of R:
Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2)
comparison of these types is not implemented
I followed the advice which was to update my bioC package:
I also tried:
update.packages(repos=biocinstallRepos(), ask=FALSE)
I'm still getting the same error.
Here's my traceback after having initiated a read.phenoData() command,
but this
seems to occur whenever I call an affy method that requires a new
23: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
22: eval(call, callEnv)
21: callNextMethod(e1, e2)
20: classVersion(object)[names(vers)] == vers
19: classVersion(object)[names(vers)] == vers
18: isCurrent(object, class(object))
17: isCurrent(object, class(object))
16: isCurrent(object)
15: isCurrent(object)
14: validator.phenoData(object)
13: validityMethod(object)
12: identical(x, TRUE)
11: anyStrings(validityMethod(object))
10: validObject(.Object)
9: .nextMethod(.Object, ...)
8: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
7: eval(call, callEnv)
6: callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
5: .local(.Object, ...)
4: initialize(value, ...)
3: initialize(value, ...)
2: new("phenoData", pData = pData, varLabels = varLabels)
1: read.phenoData("names.txt", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
Any help is appreciated.